Tagged with "dragon"
The Dwagon Tries to Help Tags: thirsty dragon tavern dwagon bryster



[18:39] Eren Padar: BTW Bryster... I dun something nice last night.
[18:40] Bryster Shan: Oh ;-(
[18:40] Gavenia Edenflower: What did you do nice Eren?
[18:40] Eren Padar: Well, I was in last night.
[18:40] Eren Padar: and I thinked about how Bryster was upsetted wif me.
[18:41] Eren Padar: An I wunnered wot I could do to makes him happy.
[18:41] Bryster Shan raises an eyebrow
[18:41] Bryster Shan: Really?
[18:41] Eren Padar: So I wented an got my cookie collection-- da good one...
[18:41] Bryster Shan: Oh?
[18:41] Eren Padar: An I open eber boddle on da shelfs an I crumble a cookie inside it an close da cork back up so it taste bedder.
[18:41] Eren Padar: It taked almost eber cookie I had, but I figure it wurf it.
[18:42] Eren Padar: I thinked, "if dat make Bryster happy, dat wot to do."
[18:42] Bryster Shan: Tell me you're kidding, Eren.
[18:42] Eren Padar: Nopes.
[18:42] Gavenia Edenflower: shakes head in amazment...
[18:42] Eren Padar: Taked me loooong time.
(Bryster faints)
[18:42] Eren Padar: Awww
[18:42] Eren Padar: He so happy he fainted
[18:42] Eren Padar chirps contentedly
[18:42] Bryster Shan: Eren? It's been fine knowing you.
[18:42] Bryster Shan: Any last words?
[18:42] Eren Padar: I almost outta cookies now, but I happy to does it.
[18:42] Gavenia Edenflower: Eren .....every bottle?
[18:42] Eren Padar: yeah
[18:42] Eren Padar: Except da beers
[18:43] Eren Padar: Cos I figure cookies an beers not go good together.
[18:44] Gavenia Edenflower: Eren meant well I am sure
[18:44] Bryster Shan: I'm just going to bang my head against a wall.
[18:44] Gavenia Edenflower: oh no Bryster please don't
[18:45] Eren Padar: See, cookie settles to bottom of boddle... and flavors whole drink. :D
[18:45] Gavenia Edenflower: I am sure we can repair the drinks....
[18:45] Bryster Shan: WW was right.
[18:45] Bryster Shan: WW said Eren was a nutcase.
[18:46] Bryster Shan: You know? For a creature that has two brains......something is badly wrong.


See? Is pruf. I tries an tries to be good dwagon, but it neber turn out right. Dey was my bestest cookies too.


Bryster, Beer and Dwagons Tags: bryster beer dwagons tavern thirsty dragon


BRYSTER, BEER and DWAGONS   by Unique Serrao


I happened to be online last night when the following events transpired. I will offer up my investigative reporting of the events as they happened (at least what I heard and saw). I have even brought back evidence of such happenings so you can determine in your own minds what might have happened. Regardless of whether a 'liddle dwagon' is guilty of supposed crimes or not, he is innocent until proven guilty. So, let those come forward who have evidence to the contrary. Word of mouf, ah mouth.. won't suffice.. Here we go!!

[18:33] Bryster Shan: The Thisrty Dragon is Open!!
[18:33] Eren Padar: Hoo!
[18:33] Bryster Shan: or even the Thirsty Dragon
[18:33] Maralee Greenwood smiles and claps
[18:34] Eren Padar: I not knows nuthin about da empty Guiness cans.
[18:34] Zauber Exonar: lol
[18:34] Maralee Greenwood: Eren! were you thirsty BEFORE the opening !!
[18:34] Eren Padar: I not had a single drink today.
[18:34] Bryster Shan: EREN!!!!!!!!
[18:34] Eren Padar: wot?
[18:34] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:34] Bryster Shan: I want a word wid you!!!!
[18:34] Eren Padar blinks inocently. wots?
[18:35] Bryster Shan trips over empty beer cans
[18:35] Maralee Greenwood smiles thinking he always LOOKS innocent
[18:35] Bryster Shan: ....all wid Eren's name on dem.
[18:35] Eren Padar: Wot? Who dun dat? someone raids you ice chest?
[18:35] Maralee Greenwood blocks the door
[18:35] Eren Padar: Someone writed my name on dem???!!! I is framed!
[18:35] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:36] Bryster Shan: Nice drinks cabinette though.
[18:36] Eren Padar: : ) glad you likes it
[18:36] Maralee Greenwood spies a intresting marker in his hand and thinks it may match the writing on the cans
[18:36] Eren Padar: But beer cans not could have beens me. I has alibi. Tells him Koni.
[18:36] Bryster Shan: hehe
[18:36] Koni Lanzius: hahahahahaha
[18:36] Koni Lanzius: uhhhhh
[18:37] Koni Lanzius: yea he, uhh
[18:37] Eren Padar: She was wif me when I putted dem dere. I mean, when someone setted me up.
[18:37] Koni Lanzius: haha
[18:37] Bryster Shan: ROTF!


[18:37] Maralee Greenwood is doubled over with laughter
[18:37] Maralee Greenwood: that is NOT my marker, Eren...
[18:37] Maralee Greenwood looks at him all innocent
[18:38] Eren Padar: I will says though, dat Guiness pretty good stuff. Drinks a few of dem and don't needs dwagon gas to makes flameses.
[18:38] Eren Padar: Helps makes eyes whirly too.
[18:38] Koni Lanzius: hahahaha
[18:38] Eren Padar: (belpches)
[18:38] Bryster Shan tries to tidy up empty cans, gives up ans polishes glasses instead.
[18:38] Maralee Greenwood: ol whirly eyes said it first and right here
[18:38] Eren Padar: I tells you wot, to be total nice, I come by tonight after inn closed and I will cleans up dem cans
[18:39] Bryster Shan: Eren, yous come by heres right dis miuntes.
[18:39] Eren Padar: Koni won't lets me
[18:39] Maralee Greenwood: would you promise to make everyone laugh again then
[18:39] Koni Lanzius: no he dancin wif me
[18:40] Eren Padar: (She promised me cookies)
[18:40] Bryster Shan: THe would be the Tiny River Dance then?
[18:40] Koni Lanzius: haha
[18:40] Koni Lanzius: not exactly
[18:40] Powers Constantine: Bryster, don't let him in after you leave...We won't have anything to drink for a week at least
[18:40] Bryster Shan: Hes supposed to do it when folks sez it.
[18:40] Koni Lanzius: hahahah!
[18:40] Eren Padar: I waaaay out of reach of broom. : )
[18:41] Bryster Shan: Oh? And like how am I supposed to stop him, Your Eminence?
[18:41] Koni Lanzius: hahaha
[18:41] Koni Lanzius: lol lol
[18:41] Eren Padar: You better checks dem cans for fingersprints


[18:42] Bryster Shan: Still, luckily I know where I can get 3 cookies for every empty can. Pretty good price methinks.
[18:42] Eren Padar: I bet you find NO dwagon fingersprints on dem cans
[18:42] Powers Constantine: We will have to bribe Koni...she is our best and last hope
[18:42] Koni Lanzius: hahahahahahahah
[18:42] Eren Padar: 8O 3 cookies for ebery can? WHERE???
[18:42] Bryster Shan: Not telling!
[18:42] Eren Padar: Den I not picking ups.
[18:42] Koni Lanzius: what a clever barkeep!
[18:43] Bryster Shan: No I gets person to come in and picks em up for me.
[18:43] Eren Padar: 8O
[18:43] Eren Padar: but...but I like a cookie


[18:43] Bryster Shan sniggers like Muttley
[18:44] Bryster Shan waves to person picking up cans
[18:44] Eren Padar: Dat ok. Maybe hims give me cookies.
[18:44] Bryster Shan: I don't tink so.
[18:45] Bryster Shan: He MY bestest friend
[18:45] Eren Padar: You can smells my bref. You not smell a single beers.
[18:45] Bryster Shan muches on fresh cookies.
[18:45] Exosius Woolley: hahahaha
[18:45] Eren Padar: Not a SINGLE one!
[18:45] Bryster Shan: Not not a sinlge one.....just Ebery one!
[18:45] Eren Padar: eeps busteds
[18:46] Eren Padar: Powers maked me do it!
[18:46] Bryster Shan: ROTF
[18:46] Koni Lanzius: LOL
[18:46] Bryster Shan: Eren. Dat dog won't hunt.....as dey say in humanland
[18:46] Koni Lanzius: poor Powers!
[18:46] Eren Padar: smells powers bref. Gives him straightline test
[18:47] Eren Padar: I'll waits way ober here
[18:47] Powers Constantine: I think we might have to post no cookie rules for dwagons around here...Eren totally out of control
[18:47] Eren Padar: 8O
[18:47] Eren Padar: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[18:47] Koni Lanzius: hehehehe
[18:47] Eren Padar sure glad I got stocked up
[18:47] Bryster Shan: I concure.
[18:47] Bryster Shan hidea the xmas cookie jar.
[18:47] Eren Padar: Dat ok. Xmas cookies not got chips
[18:47] Eren Padar: But dey still pretty good....
[18:47] Bryster Shan: mmmmmm de very fresh wholesome cookies taste sooooooooogood!
[18:48] Eren Padar: Okies, what can I do to makes you friends again?
[18:48] Daniel Gymnast: Ewo?
[18:48] Powers Constantine: too much work for Bryster here!!!
[18:48] Eren Padar: Wot I gotta do to get cookies?
[18:48] Bryster Shan: Clean ups meeses.
[18:48] Bryster Shan: messes
[18:49] Eren Padar: I thought you said someone alreaaddy cleam up mess..hmms? (dwagon cocks one eye at barkeep and snorts)
[18:49] Bryster Shan: Someone is cleaning ups messes
[18:49] Bryster Shan: Better gets here fastest
[18:49] Eren Padar: Well den, I not needs to, so we okies. :D
[18:50] Eren Padar: Can I habs cookies now?
[18:51] Powers Constantine: I did but I did not leave mine on the floor...I always clean mine up
[18:51] Eren Padar: oopos
[18:51] UniQue Serrao: I can lay some planks down on the floor over the beer cans so Bryster don't hurt hisselfs
[18:51] Powers Constantine: LOL
[18:52] Bryster Shan: Oh no, My Lady. That wouldnever do. Da dwatted Dwagon would gets of da hooks
[18:52] UniQue Serrao: I was here last night and didn't see a thing
[18:53] Bryster Shan: I'm so sorry you have had to see it now.
[18:53] Eren Padar: Ty UniQue. I likes UniQue. : )
[18:53] UniQue Serrao: he was on the bar, ah, errr, here just being his cute little cowish self
[18:53] Eren Padar: yeah
[18:53] Bryster Shan: Hangons.
[18:53] Eren Padar: Cowish? I was a cow? Owwww maybe I *did* have one or two...
[18:53] Bryster Shan: I remeber him saying there was a big party here after I left.
[18:53] UniQue Serrao: I was sitting right over there (She points to the chair) and could plainly see everything
[18:53] Eren Padar: Uh, dere was big party. Uh... cleaning up beer cans! :D
[18:54] Bryster Shan: Doesn't look like you cleaned up cans
[18:54] Eren Padar: I not can helps it if not eberbody as neat as I is.
[18:54] UniQue Serrao: I saw pixies dancing on the tables over there (pointing in the other direction)
[18:54] Bryster Shan looks at the big bag of fresh cookies he suddenly finds himself with.
[18:54] Eren Padar: Dwagons is very neat you knows. And contientus
[18:55] UniQue Serrao: maybe it was the pixies wot dunnit
[18:55] Eren Padar pouts and makes great big sad waddery eyeses
[18:55] Bryster Shan: I knows it was yous, Eren. I saw piccy thinmgs on Ning!
[18:56] UniQue Serrao sends Eren a big bag of chocolate cookies for being soooo good
[18:57] Woxie Moxie: is the bag on fire?
[18:57] Eren Padar: Wot a Ning?
[18:57] Eren Padar: Awww tyty. Yup I a good dwagon. :D
[18:57] Eren Padar: I eben throwed da empty cans behind da bar so dey could be re-used.
[18:58] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:58] Eren Padar: I thinks powers can picks up cans if you needs him too.
[18:59] Eren Padar: Cos he drinked most of 'ems
[18:59] Eren Padar: I only drinked 12. Uh,... 2
[18:59] Powers Constantine: sounds like eren know how many cans are there...i knew it
[18:59] Powers Constantine: lol.lol
[18:59] Eren Padar: Dere is elebenty. I counted
[18:59] Koni Lanzius: lol
[19:00] Eren Padar: But I was a good dwagon too. I putted da left-over beer back in da keg.
[19:00] UniQue Serrao: the stuff at the bottom of your mug?
[19:00] Powers Constantine: I hope it was beer and not something else
[19:00] Eren Padar: Cos some of dem glasses was almost still half fulls. Speshully da pixie ones
[19:01] UniQue Serrao: Bryster has fainted
[19:01] UniQue Serrao: what should I do?
[19:01] Eren Padar: It okies. Keg lots more full now.
[19:02] Curious Hazelnut: a whole glass is a lot of beer for a pixie. I mean you could swim it in, it's so big.
[19:02] Eren Padar: Throws a beer on him. Dat wakes him up for sure.
[19:02] Cyall Akula: try mouth to mouth resucitation, Unique?
[19:02] Eren Padar: Yeah dat!
[19:02] Powers Constantine: no.no
[19:02] Eren Padar: Mouf hims!
[19:02] Powers Constantine: not that
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: okis, here goes nuffin'
[19:02] Cyall Akula giggles
[19:02] Powers Constantine: ohh nooo!!!
[19:02] Bryster Shan looks up at UniQue drinking can of Guiness
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: tee hee
[19:03] Koni Lanzius: LOL
[19:03] Eren Padar: I hears if you pounds him in da chest it helps too.
[19:03] Eren Padar: Needs me to come dances on his chest?
[19:03] UniQue Serrao: oh, I gots me a big hammer for dat
[19:03] Eren Padar: Okies
[19:04] Eren Padar: I hear gotta whams pretty hard
[19:04] Bryster Shan: Yes, Eren and while you're at it you can clean up DA CANS!!!
[19:04] Eren Padar: If hims eyes cross, you too low
[19:04] Powers Constantine: Poor Bryster...between Eren and UniQue
[19:04] UniQue Serrao: will the 1000 ton one works?
[19:04] Cyall Akula: haha
[19:04] UniQue Serrao: rofl
[19:04] Koni Lanzius: lol
[19:04] UniQue Serrao: hahahaha
[19:04] Bryster Shan: Oh I don't mind what Unique does. It's da Dwagon that worries me.
[19:05] Eren Padar: Oh wait UniQue. When givings mouf to mouf, watches where puts knee. Kneal on FLOOR.
[19:05] Powers Constantine: lolololol
[19:05] Bryster Shan: Oh my!
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: Oops
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: NOW you tell me!!
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: sowwie :((
[19:05] Eren Padar: Okies, sound like hims awake. Prolly only needs one more hit.
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: :((
[19:06] UniQue Serrao: he not on floor now
[19:06] UniQue Serrao: he running
[19:06] Eren Padar: Okies. Dat good
[19:06] Eren Padar: Oh him must be feeling better!
[19:06] UniQue Serrao: or....
[19:06] Bryster Shan wonders why his goin hurts.
[19:06] Bryster Shan: groin even
[19:06] Powers Constantine: How far is he running?
[19:07] UniQue Serrao yells: wotcha growin' , Bryster?
[19:07] Powers Constantine: Can you still see him?
[19:07] UniQue Serrao: far
[19:07] UniQue Serrao: very far
[19:07] UniQue Serrao: almost off the radar
[19:07] Powers Constantine: Now you two have run the best barkeep off...
[19:07] UniQue Serrao: not my fault
[19:07] Powers Constantine: We need Bryster
[19:07] UniQue Serrao: I just came to pick up cans
[19:08] Bryster Shan: Oh no worries. I'm running towards a dwatted dwagon
[19:08] Powers Constantine: he is the "Good Elf"
[19:08] Daniel Gymnast: I'm dah good foxie cubie.
[19:08] UniQue Serrao: who is 'the Good Elf"?
[19:08] Bryster Shan mutters "Gonn seehow good I am at hacking a certain dwagon into Ork fodder.
[19:09] Eren Padar: Nya nya. Can't find me. I hiding.
[19:09] UniQue Serrao: man, these beer cans are BIG
[19:10] Bryster Shan sniffs the aire for guiness scent
[19:10] UniQue Serrao: no way a dwagon could drink from one
[19:11] Eren Padar luvs being chasesd. :D
[19:11] Powers Constantine: dwagon got ways!!!!
[19:11] Eren Padar snarfs a bref mint.
[19:12] Eren Padar: grrr chat just lag died
[19:12] Bryster Shan whispers, "HE'll get home sick soon enough.
[19:12] Eren Padar snarfs a bref mint.
[19:13] UniQue Serrao: you been eating tacos again, Eren?
[19:13] Powers Constantine: major chat lag..
[19:13] Eren Padar: yeah.. tacos. Dat it.
[19:13] Bryster Shan: THen I'll grab him by the short and scalys
[19:13] Bryster Shan: Woah lag
[19:14] Eren Padar: yeah major. Gotta really growl at simple chat not owrking
[19:14] Curious Hazelnut pokes at the lag with a stick, but it doesn't move.
[19:14] Eren Padar: And when CHAT lags, you know it server issues. Sim wide
[19:14] Eren Padar: I mean grid wide
[19:14] Eren Padar: Cos I not even on da sim
[19:15] Bryster Shan: I know wot causes it!!!
[19:15] Powers Constantine: running 2 mins slow
[19:15] UniQue Serrao: beer cans on the floor?
[19:15] Bryster Shan: Too many empty guiness cans
[19:15] Bryster Shan: LOl
[19:16] Eren Padar: If I drinkde alll dem Guiness casn, I wouldt'n eben be ables to tpyes!
[19:16] UniQue Serrao: taking photos for evidence room
[19:17] Bryster Shan: Post them on Ning
[19:17] UniQue Serrao: Not a single dragon lip print on a one of dem
[19:18] Bryster Shan: Do Dwagons have lips?
[19:18] Eren Padar: Dat not matter. No dwagon lip prints.
[19:18] Cyall Akula: (or is that pwint?)
[19:19] UniQue Serrao: how else would they snarl?
[19:19] UniQue Serrao: I think so
[19:19] Bryster Shan: Don't need lips to snarl. Snarls is all teeth and gums.
[19:20] Cyall Akula: what about dwagon lip print?
[19:20] Bryster Shan: I do seem to remember Eren wearing lipstick once.
[19:21] UniQue Serrao: no, they curlz da lips den show toofs
[19:21] Bryster Shan: And they use their toofs...er...teeth to open.........CANS!
[19:22] UniQue Serrao: yes
[19:22] UniQue Serrao: no toof marks here either
[19:22] UniQue Serrao: but I do see a touch of lipstick
[19:22] UniQue Serrao: had to been pixies or sumptin'
[19:23] Bryster Shan: Fancy that!
[19:24] Eren Padar: Hihihi!
[19:23] Bryster Shan: Can Dwagons swim?
[19:24] UniQue Serrao: Guess Eren won't be getting more cookies after all.. Sowwie
[19:24] Bryster Shan: ........with large budnlde of cans around their legs?

Can someone please 'splain 'budnlde' to me. Must be a secret Elf Clan code or sumptin'

[19:24] Eren Padar: Hihihi!

[19:24] Bryster Shan: Come here ya little rodent!!
[19:24] Eren Padar: I come to clean up beer cans! :D
[19:24] Eren Padar: Just likes said woudl.
[19:25] Eren Padar: Let's go find 'ejm
[19:25] Eren Padar: Hey!
[19:25] Eren Padar: Dere no beer cans here!
[19:25] Eren Padar: Wot you been drinkins?
[19:25] Bryster Shan: Well it took your long enough!!
[19:25] Eren Padar: I just wented to cleans up beer cans... and NO CANS!!!
[19:26] Eren Padar: Boooyyyyyyy I oughta....
[19:26] Powers Constantine: LOLOLOLOl
[19:26] Eren Padar: Bryster drawed sword and threatenings me! Run away run away!
[19:26] Eren Padar eeps
[19:26] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:26] Eren Padar: run away run away
[19:27] Eren Padar sucks energy from my Guiness... uh.. milk hat
[19:28] Powers Constantine: I very good with sword Bryster if you need help
[19:28] Bryster Shan: Good. You can teach me how to scewer Dwagon, My Lord
[19:29] Eren Padar: Powers! Saves me! I been framed!
[19:29] Powers Constantine: lolololol
[19:27] UniQue Serrao: oh, he's a good cleaner upper
[19:27] UniQue Serrao: good Dwagon!!
[19:27] Eren Padar: Can I habs cookies now? :D
[19:29] Eren Padar: awww Bryster gived me cookie. :D


[19:30] Bryster Shan: Careful..that might be the one I coverd in Ork dwopping
[19:30] Powers Constantine: lolololol
[19:30] Bryster Shan: Oh yes!! Look it has black bits on it.
[19:28] UniQue Serrao: elebenty x 8 cookies, Bryster
[19:28] UniQue Serrao: he cleaned up
[19:28] UniQue Serrao: your other guy never showed.
[19:29] Bryster Shan: I gave him one to be going on with.
[19:30] Bryster Shan: Oh yes!! Look it has black bits on it.
[19:34] Eren Padar: Oh Bryster! Look ober dere! a rat by da bar! (/me nabs cookie)
[19:35] Koni Lanzius: ahhh
[19:35] UniQue Serrao: Eren?
[19:35] Eren Padar: yesh?
[19:35] UniQue Serrao: you missed a few cans over behind the table
[19:35] Eren Padar: Dem not mines
[19:35] UniQue Serrao: give back the cookie
[19:35] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:35] Eren Padar: Nuuuuuuu!
[19:35] Eren Padar: mine mine MINE MiNe mInE mineminemine MINE!
[19:36] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:36] Bryster Shan: Good grief
[19:36] Eren Padar: I bet dems cans got LIPS STICKS!

Note: See second photo

[19:36] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:36] Eren Padar: Probably Brysters
[19:36] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:36] Bryster Shan: Uh?
[19:36] Eren Padar: Bryster, can I has a rums?
[19:36] Bryster Shan: Maybers
[19:37] Eren Padar: 8D
[19:37] Eren Padar perks!
[19:37] UniQue Serrao: Rum and cookies?
[19:37] UniQue Serrao: Ewwwwww
[19:37] Koni Lanzius: eww
[19:37] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:35] Bryster Shan: grrr.
[19:38] Eren Padar: Powersssss!! Bryster gived me a rums! I not responsible for wot happen next.
[19:38] Powers Constantine: BRYSTER!!!!! What is going on there?
[19:39] Eren Padar: mmmmmm rums....
[19:39] UniQue Serrao: Uh oh!
[19:39] UniQue Serrao: Eren drinking rum and eating cookies again
[19:39] Eren Padar: lap lap lap lap
[19:39] Eren Padar: Bryster no skinflint for sure. Is GREAT cookie!
[19:39] Eren Padar: I be eating on dis for next 3 days.
[19:39] Eren Padar: Or 30 minutes, whicheber come first.
[19:40] Bryster Shan: I'm lulling him into a false sense of security.
[19:40] Eren Padar liddle eyes whirls. Dem rum pretty good stuff

Unfortunately I had to leave at this point. No telling what 'might' have ocurred after that. But until the next adventure..

May the wind always be at your back and the sunlight dance on your face!

Another Round, Tarbender! Tags: thirsty dragon tarbender


Following is a lengthy but fun read, a direct-chat copy of an evening at The Thirsty Dragon.




You just had to know something was afoot when Eren announced on behalf of Bryster that the Thirsty Dragon was open (at least it would be more fun than a lag party!!)

[18:10] Eren Padar: Bryster asks me to announce the Thirsty Dragon Tavern is open, in ElvenMyst. : )
[18:12] UniQue Serrao: Uh oh
[18:12] UniQue Serrao: twouble is afoot now!!
[18:13] Oona Sharple: yay!
[18:18] Kylinn Leimes: anyone in the tavern yet?
[18:19] Bryster Shan: The Thirsty Dragon is OPEN
[18:27] Exosius Woolley: Hi Eren
[18:27] Exosius Woolley: :-)
[18:27] UniQue Serrao: Hi twouble
[18:27] Eren Padar: Rums!
[18:27] Eren Padar: Hi Hi Hi !
[18:27] Bryster Shan: Greetings!
[18:27] Exosius Woolley: who meees?
[18:28] Eren Padar: Rums!
[18:28] Eren Padar: Unique, he not givings me rums
[18:28] Exosius Woolley: oh I thought you said Runs!
[18:28] Bryster Shan: UniQue, your rum is not in your hand
[18:28] Bryster Shan: Oh well.
[18:28] VooDoo Spiced Rum On the Rocks : Ice Cold mmmmm!
[18:28] Talking Barkeep whispers: GLOG? Ye sure are a hearty (if masochistic) soul!
[18:29] Eren Padar: Oops
[18:29] Eren Padar: Sorry, I bump handle thing
[18:29] Eren Padar: Hope it not make big mess
[18:29] Bryster Shan: Who is Exosius?
[18:29] Eren Padar: I not knows
[18:29] Eren Padar: Oh is person up on roofs. :D
[18:29] Bryster Shan: Ah!
[18:30] Eren Padar: Rums!
[18:30] Eren Padar poundses bar
[18:30] UniQue Serrao: lol
[18:30] Bryster Shan: Not sure I should be giving you rums, Eren.
[18:30] UniQue Serrao: here we go!!!
[18:30] Eren Padar: But... but...why?
[18:30] UniQue Serrao: can you give me rum that's not voodoo?
[18:30] Bryster Shan shakes his heads....er...head
[18:30] Exosius Woolley: I'm Exosius! :-)
[18:30] Eren Padar: But.. .but I likes Rums. :D
[18:31] Bryster Shan: Oh of course I can My Lady
[18:31] Eren Padar: Halllooooo
[18:31] Eren Padar: How you Exo?
[18:31] Exosius Woolley: awesome.
[18:31] Exosius Woolley: so nice to socialize for a bit
[18:31] Eren Padar: yeah is. :D
[18:31] Eren Padar: Rums!
[18:31] Bryster Shan gave you Elite Rum & Coke.
[18:31] Eren Padar: I finish da one you gibbed me yesterday
[18:31] Exosius Woolley: hahaha
[18:31] Eren Padar: I thinks Bryster noring me
[18:32] Bryster Shan: No Is nots
[18:32] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[18:32] Eren Padar: We gots him talkins like dwagons! :D
[18:32] Bryster Shan: Ack!
[18:32] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[18:32] Bryster Shan: Ah! My Lady Chrys
[18:32] JC Illyar: lol is not so near
[18:32] JC Illyar: :D
[18:32] Chrysalis Gabreski: hello hello
[18:33] JC Illyar: good morning
[18:33] Eren Padar: Hey, dat not a rums!
[18:33] Bryster Shan: And a Young Edan
[18:33] Bryster Shan: Greetings all. Hail and Merry met!
[18:33] Eren Padar: Halllooooo
[18:33] Bryster Shan: Not rums?????
[18:33] Chrysalis Gabreski: what will you have JC ?
[18:33] Bryster Shan: Now how did that happen
[18:33] Chrysalis Gabreski: hi Eren
[18:33] JC Illyar: you first i will copy you
[18:34] Eren Padar: I dunno. Baaaad Bartender. Not knows differenct tween rums an wot eber dis is.
[18:34] Eren Padar punctures can wif fangs, laps.
[18:34] Eren Padar: lap lap lap lap
[18:34] Bryster Shan: I know that's not rums, Eren!
[18:34] Bryster Shan: I'm soooooooo soooryy.
[18:34] Eren Padar shouts: OHHHHHHHHHH!!!! SUGAR AN CAFFFEEEENSSSS!!!
[18:34] JC Illyar: in London i was drink a lot of bear :D
[18:34] Bryster Shan: Oh-oh
[18:34] Exosius Woolley: hahaha Eren
[18:34] Eren Padar: laplaplaplaplaplaplaplap...
[18:34] Eren Padar: ~ Time to Tiny River Dance ~

Eren dancing on the bar ^^ LOL

[18:35] Exosius Woolley: my cat tries to do that w/her teeth also
[18:35] JC Illyar: hot rum never drink before
[18:35] JC Illyar: :D
[18:35] Bryster Shan: Now, Exosious
[18:35] Eren Padar: Unique, Bryster gived me coffee
[18:35] Bryster Shan: What can I get you?
[18:35] Eren Padar: lap lap lap lap lap...
[18:36] Exosius Woolley: most kind, I am unable to imbibe in my current state
[18:36] Eren Padar: Boy dat stuff good. :D
[18:36] Eren Padar: ~ Time to Tiny River Dance ~
[18:36] Exosius Woolley: hahaha Eren you kill me
[18:36] Eren Padar: I thinks I likes cafffeeeens
[18:36] Exosius Woolley: love to watch you
[18:36] Eren Padar: : )
[18:36] UniQue Serrao: ~ Time to River Dance ~
[18:36] Bryster Shan: Well just let me know when you can. I have some wonderful rum.
[18:36] Eren Padar: See! Him got rums an not gives me any!
[18:37] Bryster Shan: I didn't gives hims rums. He cant drink yet.
[18:37] Exosius Woolley drop his outer spell - oops! sorry
[18:37] Exosius Woolley: forgot I had that active
[18:37] Eren Padar: Wows. I really likes coffeeeeess....
[18:37] Eren Padar: ~ Time to Tiny River Dance ~
[18:37] Exosius Woolley: Coffee rocks.
[18:37] Bryster Shan: Oh good grief.
[18:37] Eren Padar liddle eyes twirls
[18:37] UniQue Serrao: ~ Time to River Dance ~
[18:37] UniQue Serrao: •΄¨*•.Έ. HahahaA •΄¨*•.Έ.
[18:38] Eren Padar: mmmm sugar.... mmmm coffeeeeeee....
[18:38] Bryster Shan: Cookies
[18:38] Eren Padar: Cookies! 8D
[18:38] Eren Padar: ????
[18:38] Eren Padar: You got cookies? :D
[18:38] Bryster Shan: Big cookies.
[18:38] Eren Padar: mmmmmmm
[18:38] Bryster Shan: JUst outside the door there.
[18:38] Eren Padar laps more cofffeee. REFILLL
[18:39] Bryster Shan: LOL
[18:39] Exosius Woolley: have some rum in it this tme
[18:39] Eren Padar: Bleh! I gots milks. Wants more coffeee!
[18:39] Exosius Woolley: another fave of mine
[18:39] UniQue Serrao: more RUMS!!
[18:39] Eren Padar: mmmmm cofffeeeeeeeeeee... yeah an wif rums! :D
[18:39] Bryster Shan gave you Elite Rum & Coke.
[18:39] Eren Padar: ( durn, now I done it. gotta go make some Irish coffee now. Drat you Bryster Shan! BRB). :D
[18:39] NikitaMaria Shilova: did i hear someone say rum?
[18:39] Bryster Shan: Greetings, My Lady Nikita
[18:40] Chrysalis Gabreski: hi Nikita
[18:40] Exosius Woolley: Rum! haha
[18:40] NikitaMaria Shilova: thank you
[18:40] Bryster Shan: Most welcome.
[18:40] Bryster Shan pours more milk into Eren's hat
[18:40] Exosius Woolley: Please take my seat.
[18:41] Exosius Woolley: I am unable to eat or drink at the moment
[18:41] NikitaMaria Shilova: is this run gonna make me fall down?
[18:41] NikitaMaria Shilova: rum
[18:42] Bryster Shan: I hope not. I have a bad back.
[18:42] NikitaMaria Shilova: lol
[18:42] Exosius Woolley: oh dear. Yet another spell needs casting. The work of a shapeshifting magician is never done.
[18:42] Bryster Shan grins
[18:42] Exosius Woolley: Good night! back later maybe I hope
[18:42] Bryster Shan begins to wonder what Exosius actually is.
[18:43] UniQue Serrao: maybe he's a shadow??
[18:43] Bryster Shan: of his former self?
[18:43] JC Illyar: good night people!
[18:43] Bryster Shan: Goodnight young Sire!
[18:43] NikitaMaria Shilova: ni night
[18:43] Bryster Shan: THank you for your custom.
[18:44] Deliah Bravin is Online
[18:44] UniQue Serrao: Goodnight fair people
[18:44] Chrysalis Gabreski: oh...i'm staying...
[18:44] Chrysalis Gabreski: not nearly drunk enough yet
[18:45] Bryster Shan: I think Eren is.
[18:45] UniQue Serrao: I'm trying but it's not working
[18:45] Bryster Shan: He's gone all quiet
[18:45] UniQue Serrao: nope
[18:45] UniQue Serrao: his eyes aren't whirling yet
[18:45] Eren Padar: ( am back, Irish coffee in hand. :D)
[18:45] UniQue Serrao: this is some cheap Rum, Bryster
[18:46] UniQue Serrao: where did you get it??
[18:46] Bryster Shan: Oh my! Hangon.
[18:46] Bryster Shan: Try that.
[18:46] Bryster Shan: Well now looks like Lady's night!
[18:46] Bryster Shan: Greetings!
[18:47] Auburn Heron: And greetings to you fine sir
[18:47] Bryster Shan blushes.
[18:47] Bryster Shan: Hail and Merry met.
[18:47] Chrysalis Gabreski: hello Auburn
[18:47] Bryster Shan: A drink for you, My Lady
[18:47] Auburn Heron: indeed yes
[18:47] Auburn Heron: and greetings Chrysalis
[18:47] Bryster Shan: What will you have.
[18:48] Bryster Shan: Eren recommends the rum.
[18:48] Auburn Heron: your best malt if I may
[18:48] NikitaMaria Shilova: aye she'll be needing a straw too. giggle
[18:48] Auburn Heron: ah well then, the rum it is
[18:48] Bryster Shan: Ah! A Lady of good taste.
[18:48] UniQue Serrao: done
[18:48] Glenlivet On The Rocks : Ice Cold mmmmm!
[18:48] UniQue Serrao: hum
[18:48] UniQue Serrao: what have you done to this chair?

There was certainly something mysterious about that rum.

[18:49] Bryster Shan: Huh?
[18:49] UniQue Serrao: or could it be the RUM?
[18:49] Bryster Shan: That would do it!
[18:50] Auburn Heron: hmmm
[18:50] Bryster Shan: You sure?
[18:50] UniQue Serrao: I had some of that voodoo rum earlier
[18:50] UniQue Serrao: lol
[18:50] Bryster Shan: LOL
[18:50] NikitaMaria Shilova: lol
[18:50] UniQue Serrao: or someone is up to sumpting
[18:50] Bryster Shan polishes a glass or two.
[18:50] UniQue Serrao: no wonder he's been quiet
[18:50] Bryster Shan: Try standing and sitting again.
[18:51] Bryster Shan: There !
[18:51] UniQue Serrao: good thing I didn't fall down between up and down
[18:51] UniQue Serrao: •΄¨*•.Έ. HahahaA •΄¨*•.Έ.
[18:51] Eren Padar: mmmmm coffeeeeeeeeeeee
[18:51] Chrysalis Gabreski: hehe
[18:51] Bryster Shan scratches his head.
[18:51] Eren Padar: Wow... coffee interesting
[18:51] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Rum, comin' up!
[18:52] Eren Padar: It... smack smack smack... pretty tasty
[18:52] Bryster Shan: Then you'r be stuck somewhere in the middles and that wouldn't be right ifen you take my meaning.
[18:52] Drink whispers: Easy now, you remember what happened the last time? Err, on second thought, maybe you don't!
[18:52] Eren Padar: an...an..annn.... it make me feel funny.. like.....
[18:52] Eren Padar freaks out like a ferret on catnip.
[18:52] UniQue Serrao: lol
[18:52] Eren Padar: Yeah, I likes coffeee
[18:52] Bryster Shan: I really need a baseball bat.
[18:52] NikitaMaria Shilova: lol one too many drinks i think
[18:52] Eren Padar: yeah, baseball fun!!!
[18:52] Eren Padar: So is coffeee
[18:52] Eren Padar freaks out like a ferret on catnip.
[18:53] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[18:53] Bryster Shan: Right about now, we could use a certain dwagon as a baseball.
[18:53] Eren Padar: I LIKES coffeees and Dr. Peppers. It better dan rums!
[18:53] Eren Padar smacks lips
[18:54] Eren Padar: Hi dere Auburn an Nikia an Chrys. :D
[18:54] NikitaMaria Shilova: Aubi he be a little dragon
[18:54] Chrysalis Gabreski: hi Eren
[18:54] Bryster Shan: Aw thank you Eren.
[18:55] Eren Padar: mmmm
[18:55] Eren Padar smacks lips
[18:55] Chrysalis Gabreski: hey Monty
[18:55] Eren Padar: mmmm rums....
[18:55] Bryster Shan: Hail Monty!
[18:55] Bryster Shan: Welcome!
[18:55] UniQue Serrao: let's see if he can eat a cookie too
[18:55] Bryster Shan: LOL
[18:55] Monty Anthony: Hello friends
[18:56] Eren Padar: Bryster gived me rums to go wif my Dr. Pepper an coffeee.. :D
[18:56] Bryster Shan: A drink for you Sire?
[18:56] Eren Padar: `•.ΈΈ.•΄΄―❤.•●•. Powers ..•●•.❤―``••.ΈΈ.•΄
[18:56] Eren Padar: geez
[18:56] Monty Anthony: a double Bryster
[18:56] Eren Padar: Dat cookie would flatten Refrigerator Perry. :D
[18:56] Bryster Shan: er..a double what, Sire?
[18:57] Eren Padar: Uh... Bryster, if you thinks dat a "Sire", you drinkin too much you own stuffs
[18:57] Auburn Heron: Nikita this is a most salubrious locale! I toast you on your good taste!
[18:57] UniQue Serrao: too big for ya, Eren?
[18:57] Eren Padar: No, too big for tavern. :D
[18:57] Monty Anthony: milk,and put it in a dirty glass
[18:57] NikitaMaria Shilova: lol
[18:57] Bryster Shan: He's a big Edan. He's a Sire.
[18:57] Eren Padar: Dey can't makes a cookie too big for tavern
[18:57] Eren Padar: Dey can't makes a cookie too big for a dwagon. :D
[18:57] Bryster Shan: Milk it is!
[18:58] Bryster Shan: Serious drinkers, these Edan.
[18:58] Auburn Heron: and the glass looks none too clean
[18:58] Monty Anthony: burp,,,excuse me
[18:58] Eren Padar: I hoped somebody getted photo of dis for evidence. I is total not responsible for whateber happen rest of nithg.
[18:58] Eren Padar: night

Just look at all the drinks Bryster had given Eren. No wonder he was buzzing all over the place!

[18:59] UniQue Serrao: floor looks pretty clean to me
[19:00] UniQue Serrao: and Eren doesn't have a single beer can in his pawses
[19:00] Auburn Heron: Nikki will you show me the way home? I am none too sure on my feet just now.
[19:00] NikitaMaria Shilova: shhhhhhhhhh i need to sneak up on that dragon
[19:00] Bryster Shan: Yous all must be making up for last night.
[19:00] Bryster Shan: No one here last night.
[19:00] Bryster Shan: Thank you , My lady Auburn.
[19:00] UniQue Serrao: making up what for last night?
[19:01] Auburn Heron: well it was Sunday, warnt it?
[19:01] Chrysalis Gabreski: was too hungover
[19:01] UniQue Serrao: River dancing?
[19:01] Bryster Shan: Making up for not drinking last night.
[19:01] Eren Padar: I brb
[19:01] Bryster Shan: Not even a dwagon here.
[19:01] UniQue Serrao: think I'll just cary my own keg on my back
[19:01] UniQue Serrao: with a straw
[19:01] Monty Anthony: thanx for the drink
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: now, I put down the rum and looks what happens
[19:02] Bryster Shan: Or you could get a Dwagon to carry it for you.
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: I'm floating again
[19:02] Bryster Shan: Welcome you are Sire.
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: yeah, I guess
[19:02] NikitaMaria Shilova: safe travels friends
[19:02] UniQue Serrao: what sized dragon do you recommend, Bryster?
[19:02] Chrysalis Gabreski: bye...have fun...
[19:02] Bryster Shan: Dwagon sized.
[19:02] Auburn Heron: Unique, you seem to be floating again
[19:02] Bryster Shan: Fair winds!
[19:03] Auburn Heron: safe paths
[19:03] UniQue Serrao: Zgotta be that Ork stuff your are serving for RUM
[19:04] Bryster Shan: It's very good rum, I'll have you know.
[19:04] UniQue Serrao: it makes you float, that's for sure
[19:04] Bryster Shan grins
[19:04] Bryster Shan: Now how is that my problem.
[19:04] Bryster Shan: ?
[19:04] UniQue Serrao: you stock the tavern don'tcha?
[19:05] Bryster Shan: Yes My Lady
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: so you KNOW where it comes from
[19:05] Bryster Shan: Of course!
[19:05] UniQue Serrao: who have you been buying from??
[19:05] Eren Padar: BTW Bryster
[19:05] Bryster Shan: No one but the most reputable brokers as recommened by a certain.....let's see.......Mr E. Ren and Company.
[19:06] Eren Padar: I camed in late last night and putted da half-drinked leftovers in da rum keg for ya.
[19:06] Eren Padar: It fuller now
[19:06] Bryster Shan: You did whjats???????????????????
[19:06] Chrysalis Gabreski: lol
[19:06] UniQue Serrao: •΄¨*•.Έ. HahahaA •΄¨*•.Έ.
[19:06] Eren Padar: yeah, it amazing how much lefted in bottoms of glasses.
[19:06] Chrysalis Gabreski: i thought it tasted funny
[19:06] UniQue Serrao: I thinks you got it from Mer Maid and CO.
[19:07] Eren Padar eeps
[19:07] Eren Padar: UniQue, he gots sword again!
[19:07] Eren Padar: And I being a GOOD dwagon!

[19:07] Bryster Shan: I swear I'll swing for that dwatted dwagon.
[19:07] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:08] Eren Padar: lap lap lap lap lap
[19:08] Bryster Shan: I'm goona moider it.
[19:09] Bryster Shan: Pesky rodent!
[19:09] Eren Padar: I not a rodent!
[19:09] Eren Padar: See no furs!
[19:09] Bryster Shan: Say your prayers.
[19:09] Eren Padar: mmmm warm on hiney
[19:09] Eren Padar clears the air
[19:09] Eren Padar: Oops sry
[19:10] Eren Padar: Wow
[19:10] Bryster Shan: Oh good grief!
[19:10] UniQue Serrao: uh oh
[19:10] Eren Padar: Looks wot Bryster did!
[19:10] Bryster Shan: Huh?
[19:10] Eren Padar applauds
[19:10] Eren Padar: -*-*-*- A P P A W S !! -*-*-*-
[19:11] Eren Padar: Dat almost as good as a dwagon poot!
[19:11] Bryster Shan: Greetings, Oona!
[19:11] Eren Padar: you pretty talented
[19:11] Eren Padar: ~*~*~>>>>> Oona <~*~*~
[19:11] Oona Sharple: bryster :D
[19:11] Chrysalis Gabreski: hi Oona
[19:11] Bryster Shan: While youre there, do you feel like scwering a dwagon!
[19:11] Bryster Shan: ?
[19:11] Oona Sharple: ~*~*~>>>>> Eren <~*~*~
[19:11] Eren Padar: Oona, Bryster gived me Rums an an an Dr Pepper an an an Coffee! 8D
[19:11] Eren Padar: ~ Time to Tiny River Dance ~
[19:11] Bryster Shan: Fibbers!
[19:11] UniQue Serrao: You better not touch my little buddy

[19:11] Oona Sharple: sorry,bryster?
[19:12] UniQue Serrao: he is a big help around here
[19:12] Oona Sharple: uh oh !
[19:12] Chrysalis Gabreski: fight....fight !!
[19:12] Eren Padar: Yeah, I recycles lefted over rums!
[19:12] Oona Sharple: who is,,uni?
[19:12] UniQue Serrao: Good Dwagon
[19:12] Bryster Shan: Some help!
[19:12] Bryster Shan: Poisening my customers you is.
[19:13] UniQue Serrao: not like you iz with that voodoo rum
[19:13] Eren Padar: Yeah
[19:13] UniQue Serrao: making peoples floats around here
[19:13] Bryster Shan: You liked the voodoo rum.
[19:13] UniQue Serrao: you just want to empty out their pockets
[19:13] Oona Sharple: o.O
[19:13] Eren Padar: Uh.... oops
[19:13] Eren Padar: I thinks I just peed
[19:13] UniQue Serrao: you did?
[19:13] Eren Padar: Dat Dr. Pepper an coffee wented right through
[19:13] Oona Sharple: wut did oona just walks into?
[19:13] Eren Padar: Maybe da rums too
[19:14] Bryster Shan: Empty pockets are no good to me. Booze is free here anyway.
[19:14] Eren Padar: I only peed a liddle
[19:14] Bryster Shan: Oh my!
[19:14] Oona Sharple: meh !>.< dat's one of da problems wif pets..dey pee and doo doo everywhere..
[19:14] Eren Padar: Dis place not gotta potty
[19:14] Eren Padar: I'll puts a potty outside
[19:15] Bryster Shan: Good thing too. Wules number 2...No widdles
[19:15] UniQue Serrao: widdles?
[19:15] Bryster Shan: Trust me. You don't want to know.
[19:15] UniQue Serrao: better make an outhouse for biggies and tinies
[19:15] Eren Padar: Dere, now is potty outside
[19:15] UniQue Serrao: you make the hole too big and the tinies will fall in
[19:15] UniQue Serrao: Ewwwwww
[19:15] Bryster Shan: Good idea! I'll mention it to the Big noises.
[19:16] UniQue Serrao: How about cushions on the bar stools??
[19:16] Eren Padar: I gotta widdle: wot did da green cow say to the purple zebra?
[19:16] UniQue Serrao: makes people more comfy?
[19:16] UniQue Serrao: try out that first barstool Eren
[19:16] UniQue Serrao: see how nice it feels
[19:16] Bryster Shan: Cushions made from purest dwagon skin?
[19:17] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:17] Eren Padar: Wot did a green cow say to da purple zebra?
[19:17] Oona Sharple: oona dunno,eren..wut did da green cow says?
[19:17] Eren Padar: Moo. Moo.
[19:17] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:17] UniQue Serrao: lol
[19:17] Bryster Shan shakes his head and raise his eyes skywards.
[19:17] Bryster Shan: brb
[19:17] Eren Padar: Okies!
[19:18] UniQue Serrao: he's making the 40 yard dash to the outhouse
[19:18] UniQue Serrao: look at him go!!!
[19:18] Oona Sharple: lol,eren
[19:19] Eren Padar eeps
[19:19] Oona Sharple: o.o
[19:20] Oona Sharple: oona didn't gets it,uni..
[19:20] Eren Padar: Protects me! I innocents!
[19:20] UniQue Serrao: go for it bryster
[19:20] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:20] Bryster Shan: Can't even go for a widdle
[19:21] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:21] Oona Sharple: wut is it,eren?
[19:21] Eren Padar: wot?
[19:21] Bryster Shan: er...??
[19:21] Oona Sharple: yas asks fer protection..
[19:22] Eren Padar: Bryster trying to chops me
[19:22] Bryster Shan: No good hacking at me. I don't even know how this sword thing works.
[19:22] Eren Padar: For NO REASON.
[19:22] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:22] Chrysalis Gabreski: lol

At this point a sword fight begins between UniQue and Bryster. He was clearly out armed as UniQue has had more experience with swords and is protecting the cutest liddle dwagon in ElvenMyst. We must protect the honor of our leaderer.

[19:22] Eren Padar: Hiya Knoi.
[19:22] Eren Padar: Koni
[19:22] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:22] Koni Lanzius: Hi!
[19:22] Eren Padar: I keeping Bryster's beer warm

[19:22] Oona Sharple: uhh!
[19:23] Chrysalis Gabreski: Hello Koni
[19:23] Koni Lanzius: Helloo!~ :D
[19:23] Oona Sharple: knoi hehehehehe
[19:23] Eren Padar: There goes! :D
[19:23] Oona Sharple: oona gots cookies :D
[19:23] Eren Padar: That workd!
[19:23] Bryster Shan: Ohhhhhh WWWWWOOOOWWW
[19:23] Eren Padar: It fun fun. :D
[19:23] Koni Lanzius eeps.
[19:23] Eren Padar: Dat pretty good sword. :D
[19:24] Koni Lanzius: hiya Bry!
[19:24] Bryster Shan: pretty sharps too.
[19:24] Eren Padar: Yeah
[19:24] Oona Sharple: ~*~*~>>>>> Koniii <~*~*~
[19:24] Eren Padar: Don't worry Bryster... I keeping you beer keg warm
[19:24] Koni Lanzius: ~*~*~>>>>> Oona <~*~*~
[19:24] Bryster Shan: My Lady Koni!
[19:24] Koni Lanzius: Good Elf!
[19:24] Bryster Shan: How nice of you to call.
[19:24] Koni Lanzius: How be ye?
[19:24] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:24] Bryster Shan: Excuse me a moment while I kill an Eren
[19:25] Chrysalis Gabreski: your good'elf
[19:25] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:25] Eren Padar: UniQue was protecting me from unprovoked attacks by Bryster
[19:25] Chrysalis Gabreski: lol
[19:25] Oona Sharple: ohh
[19:25] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:25] Eren Padar: See? He a madman!
[19:25] Eren Padar: No tellings why.
[19:25] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:25] Eren Padar: Impulsiv!
[19:25] Impulsiv Writer: Hey Eren!
[19:25] Bryster Shan: Unprovoked. To poured dregss into the kegs!
[19:25] Eren Padar: Hey Imp, Bryster gived me rums an Dr. Pepper an Coffee and den tried to chops me for no reason!
[19:25] Koni Lanzius: hello Imp!
[19:25] Impulsiv Writer: Hey Koni!
[19:26] Koni Lanzius: :D
[19:26] Impulsiv Writer: well, giving rums is not as bad as runs...
[19:26] Chrysalis Gabreski: Hi Imp
[19:26] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:26] Eren Padar: rums is good
[19:26] Oona Sharple: imp
[19:26] Impulsiv Writer: Dr. Pepper and Coffee? wow...
[19:26] Eren Padar: So is Dr. Pepper an coffeeees
[19:26] Eren Padar freaks out like a ferret on catnip.
[19:26] Impulsiv Writer: It's Oona!
[19:26] Oona Sharple: hyper dwagon...
[19:26] Bryster Shan: A drinkfor you, Impulsiv?
[19:26] Eren Padar: INOTHYPER!
[19:27] Oona Sharple: hiyas imp, how is ya?
[19:27] Impulsiv Writer: I have to hold off this evening, sir barkeep
[19:27] Impulsiv Writer: early morning tomorrow...
[19:27] Oona Sharple: yeah ok,eren heee
[19:27] Oona Sharple: •:*¨ Eh hehehehe haha! ¨*:•
[19:27] Impulsiv Writer: I am good..., yourself?
[19:27] Bryster Shan: Ah. As you ish then
[19:27] Eren Padar: Koni, bryster gived me rums. Wanna laps?
[19:27] Eren Padar: Dere still some lefted
[19:27] Koni Lanzius: yesh :D
[19:27] Oona Sharple: uhh !!
[19:27] Impulsiv Writer: Oooo....now that sound...o...better not...keep me up all night.
[19:27] Koni Lanzius: sniff sniff
[19:27] Oona Sharple: laps? heeee
[19:27] Eren Padar gives Koni rums
[19:28] Koni Lanzius: lap lap lap
[19:28] Koni Lanzius: yummy!
[19:28] Eren Padar: Yeah is.
[19:28] Oona Sharple: heheheheee;)
[19:28] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:28] Bryster Shan stacks bottles ready for closing.
[19:28] Impulsiv Writer: Dis is a good variety of creature this evening...
[19:28] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:29] Eren Padar hugs bryster
[19:29] Impulsiv Writer: Lets see...
[19:29] Koni Lanzius: poor Bryster!
[19:29] Koni Lanzius: awwwwwwww
[19:29] Oona Sharple: oona prolly thinks of sumthin else...heeee
[19:29] Impulsiv Writer: Dwagons...Pixie, Elves, Blue Thing, Dark Fae... (me)
[19:29] Bryster Shan: Eren. No dwagons behind da barss.
[19:29] Bryster Shan: Elfen
[19:29] UniQue Serrao: Bryster? You have a headache?
[19:29] Chrysalis Gabreski: blue thing !!
[19:30] Oona Sharple: blue thing? where?
[19:30] Koni Lanzius: oooh Chrys!
[19:30] Impulsiv Writer: Well I honestly don't know...
[19:30] UniQue Serrao: I keep seeing a glowy thing on your head
[19:30] Koni Lanzius: you look great!
[19:30] Bryster Shan: Not really, Just too much on my mind.
[19:30] Impulsiv Writer: I cammed you up and down...and thought, "I got nothin'"
[19:30] Eren Padar polishes boots
[19:30] Chrysalis Gabreski: why thanks Koni
[19:30] Oona Sharple giggles.
[19:30] Eren Padar: I not behind bar. I wif you.
[19:30] Koni Lanzius: thats a remarkable skin
[19:30] Impulsiv Writer: Chrys is pretty blue....thing...but not sure what your....race is...
[19:30] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Ale, comin' up!
[19:30] Talking Barkeep whispers: One finely-aged wine, comin' up!
[19:30] Oona Sharple: ✦✧HaHaHa✦✧
[19:30] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Rum, comin' up!
[19:31] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:31] Chrysalis Gabreski: its from the new film 'Avatar'
[19:31] Oona Sharple: nite elf
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Ale, comin' up!
[19:31] Eren Padar laps pouring booze
[19:31] Koni Lanzius: OHHHHHHHHH
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: One fine Irish Mist. Caution! Do not serve to Orcs. It makes them... friendly. Last one started dancing ballet in a tutu.
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: One finely-aged wine, comin' up!
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: GLOG? Ye sure are a hearty (if masochistic) soul!
[19:31] Eren Padar: I not done it!
[19:31] Koni Lanzius: right
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Orc Snot, comin' up! Warnin'! For orcs only. Can cause hives, the jitters and extreme flatulence.
[19:31] Talking Barkeep whispers: One Rum, comin' up!
[19:31] Eren Padar: It not me!
[19:31] Eren Padar: lap lap lap lap
[19:31] Koni Lanzius: yea i see the resemblance
[19:31] Eren Padar: I bet pixie trick
[19:31] Impulsiv Writer: I even thought that, but then I thought, "Well, she can't be THAT"
[19:31] Chrysalis Gabreski: a Na'vi....Imp
[19:31] Oona Sharple: wut? wut did oona do?
[19:32] Oona Sharple: hey,gives oona a chance here..oona will do sumthin ;) heee
[19:32] Eren Padar: wow dat one big clock
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: how did you get an AVATAR avatar? hehehe
[19:32] Impulsiv Writer: Hmmmmm, I could become blue dark fae with a similar skin
[19:32] Impulsiv Writer: Oh! So that means Chrys is an AVATAR
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: ahhh
[19:32] UniQue Serrao: nice clock
[19:32] Eren Padar: It also really inaccurate clock. LOL
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: cool
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: i like it
[19:32] Bryster Shan: No she is Na'vi.
[19:32] Impulsiv Writer: Chrys, is an Avatar, of an Avatar, from AVATAR. ( I could just go on all day)
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: wow
[19:32] Bryster Shan: Only folks wot lives in Navi skin is Avater.
[19:32] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:33] Impulsiv Writer: It does look very nice Chrys!
[19:33] Chrysalis Gabreski smiles
[19:33] Impulsiv Writer: the hair is perfect for it.
[19:33] Koni Lanzius: it is!
[19:33] Impulsiv Writer: You almost as cute as me.
[19:33] Chrysalis Gabreski: lol
[19:33] Impulsiv Writer: :D
[19:33] Bryster Shan: THank you, My Lady Koni ;-)
[19:33] Chrysalis Gabreski: impossible
[19:33] Oona Sharple: .::Giggles::.
[19:34] Koni Lanzius: *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*You're Welcome!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[19:34] Impulsiv Writer: what a wonderful place. I can come here, get my smile on, no matter what.
[19:34] Bryster Shan: If you don't mind me saying so, I think the nose whould be broader and flatter.
[19:34] Koni Lanzius: YAY!!!! \o/
[19:34] UniQue Serrao: hum, clock must have lag time
[19:34] Eren Padar polishes boots

Eren has been a busy liddle dwagon, trying to make friends with Bryster even to the point of polishing Bryster's boots. Maybe a few more tips in the jar and he can afford some new ones?

[19:34] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:34] Chrysalis Gabreski: hows that...Bry ?
[19:35] Bryster Shan shouts: Last Orders at the Bar Please!
[19:35] Oona Sharple: ohh,already?
[19:35] Oona Sharple: oona would like sumthin wif orange
[19:35] Impulsiv Writer: well lets me run with my smile and such...
[19:35] Bryster Shan: Well my boots can only take so much polishing.
[19:35] Impulsiv Writer: great seeing all of you...!
[19:35] Impulsiv Writer: :)
[19:35] Koni Lanzius: Bye Bye
[19:36] Eren Padar: :D
[19:36] Chrysalis Gabreski: byee
[19:36] Eren Padar: Nitey nite!
[19:36] Bryster Shan: Hurry back!
[19:36] UniQue Serrao: nice seeing you Impulsive
[19:36] Eren Padar: Sure is shiney boots!
[19:36] Impulsiv Writer: Night! you all as well!
[19:36] Oona Sharple: bey beys
[19:36] Eren Padar: Dey shiney cos I spitted on 'em.
[19:36] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:36] Bryster Shan: Oh my grief!
[19:36] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:36] Oona Sharple: him poofs
[19:37] Oona Sharple: koni so cute..lil dwagon wif dress
[19:37] Koni Lanzius: :D
[19:37] Oona Sharple: very nice,koni :D
[19:37] Koni Lanzius: hello Kelly!
[19:37] Bryster Shan: My Lady Kelly! Welcome.
[19:37] Koni Lanzius: thanks sweetie!
[19:37] Kelly Kingmaker: hello
[19:37] Chrysalis Gabreski: Hi Kelly
[19:37] Kelly Kingmaker: grab last drink
[19:37] Oona Sharple: *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*You're Welcome!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[19:38] Bryster Shan: And what will you have?
[19:38] Kelly Kingmaker: hello my beautiful neighbor
[19:38] Kelly Kingmaker: Irish whiskey
[19:38] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:38] Bryster Shan: Ah!
[19:38] Oona Sharple: oona says sum time ago..oona would like sumthin wif orange...
[19:38] Eren Padar: Gives Kelly some a dat second day rum.
[19:38] Oona Sharple: kelly
[19:39] Oona Sharple: eeww..2nd day rum?
[19:39] Kelly Kingmaker: ha
[19:39] Kelly Kingmaker: thank you kind sir
[19:39] Bryster Shan: Well my friends, I must wander off.
[19:40] Eren Padar: Nitey nite!
[19:40] Koni Lanzius: goodbye Bry!
[19:40] Chrysalis Gabreski: nite nite Bryster

At this point cookies and milk have mysteriously appeared behind the bar for a liddle dwagon who was so busy polishing Bryster's boots. Guess he needed to whet his whistle after spitting on Bryster's boots so much.. lol

[19:40] Eren Padar: ohhh cookies!
[19:40] Eren Padar: An milk!
[19:40] Bryster Shan: Ifen that stuffs there when I get here tomorrows, Eren!
[19:41] Koni Lanzius: cookies!
[19:41] Koni Lanzius: .❤.
[19:41] Koni Lanzius: *•.❤.•* AHHH Ha! *•.❤.•*
[19:41] Koni Lanzius: *•.❤.•* Ha Ha Ha Ha *•.❤.•*
[19:41] Koni Lanzius: ~♡♡♡~
[19:41] Eren Padar: Wots?
[19:41] Kelly Kingmaker: Unique special hello
[19:41] Oona Sharple: meh ! oona not gets a drink..
[19:41] Eren Padar: I putting up new clock. :D
[19:41] Oona Sharple: bey beys,bryster
[19:41] Kelly Kingmaker: want some of mine
[19:42] UniQue Serrao: Hello Kelly
[19:42] Kelly Kingmaker: tiny sip only
[19:42] Oona Sharple: is it 2nd day rum?
[19:42] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[19:42] UniQue Serrao: I saw an Ork wagon out back making deliveries this morning
[19:43] UniQue Serrao: might be why the RUM is so Aaaagh!!
[19:43] Kelly Kingmaker: oh no barf
[19:43] Chrysalis Gabreski: Bryster was trying to kill the patrons earlier...i think this job is getting to him
[19:43] UniQue Serrao: could be
[19:44] Kelly Kingmaker: oh no need to get him some help

Hum, a barmaid possibly? We shall see!!

[19:44] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:44] Oona Sharple: oh
[19:44] Eren Padar: Dere, is clock. :D
[19:45] Oona Sharple smiles
[19:45] Kelly Kingmaker: goodnite ladies have to go
[19:45] Koni Lanzius: Bye Bye
[19:45] Oona Sharple: oona thnks it nice wif clock dat tells wrong time too :D
[19:45] Eren Padar: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:46] Eren Padar: Bye Bye
[19:46] Oona Sharple: does not matter wut time it is,coz fer oona is playtime anyway....or candy time
[19:46] Eren Padar: How likes clock?
[19:46] Koni Lanzius: ohhhhh
[19:46] Koni Lanzius: nice!
[19:46] Oona Sharple: who is leavin?
[19:46] Chrysalis Gabreski: time for my bed too....have a great evening all
[19:46] UniQue Serrao: Goodnight ladies
[19:46] Chrysalis Gabreski: was fun...as ever
[19:46] Koni Lanzius: Goodnight. :3
[19:46] Koni Lanzius: Chrys
[19:46] Eren Padar: Nitey nite!
[19:47] Koni Lanzius: good
[19:47] Koni Lanzius: Goodnight. :3
[19:48] Koni Lanzius: she gotz da new blue AVATAR avatar!
[19:48] UniQue Serrao: ○°☆"Bye Bye ^·^"☆°○
[19:48] Eren Padar: Look at all da cookies!
[19:48] Koni Lanzius: yum!
[19:48] Eren Padar: some of 'em even floating in air!
[19:48] Oona Sharple: bey beys,uni

And so another night passes at the The Thirsty Dragon tavern. Shiney new boots for Bryster and who knows what next for the clients. Maybe better RUM?

Goodnight ElvenMyst and the Elf Clan!!

A Night at the Thirsty Dragon Tags: thirsty dragon


The Thirsty Dragon is Elf Clan's oldest and most disreputable tavern.  Owned by Bryster Shan, many fine evenings were spent there.  Following are three accounts directly from the chat of the tavern.  These are an integral part of Elf Clan history.


Another Round, Tarbender!   by Unique Serrao

Bryster, Beer and Dwagons  by Unique Serrao

The Dwagon Tries to Help    by Snoots Dwagon



The Dragon and the Pet Shop Tags: dragon pet shop


Is true story.


A dragon walks into a local pet shop.

"Greetings!" he says to the owner. "Do you have any rabbits?"

"Oh no," the shop owner says. "I know you dragons. You just plan on eating that rabbit. I would not dream of putting the poor creatures through such a final experience!"

The dragon stops and thinks. "I'd really like a pet. How about a guinea pig?"

"You're not fooling me," the shop owner replies. "You're a dragon. You'll just eat that guinea pig! I could not possibly allow an innocent creature to go through such a terrible ordeal!"

"Uh... chinchilla?" the dragon asks.

"Never!" the shop owner retorts. "Such would be cruel torture for such a beautiful animal!"


"Absolutely not!" the owner replies.


"I shall not!" cries out the shop owner. "Not if you paid me ten times their worth!"

The dragon pauses, thinking.  "Cat?"

"All you want, half price."




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