Tagged with "new"
Two New Eldar
Category: Elf Clan News
Tags: new eldar


Originally posted 2011-03-23


Elf Clan is pleased to announce the assignment of two additional Eldars:

Cinnamon Raymaker
Moontan Valeeva

This is the first time in four years new Eldars have been assigned.  With the existence of Elf Clan on two grids now, along with the fact that Elf Clan now consists of a total of 21 sims and growing-- Peter and I felt it appropriate to assign others to help us in our task of managing Elf Clan... and to be able to take over the group if he or I should ever prove unable, for whatever reason.

In assigning these roles, there were things that we were searching for:

* Long-time Elf Clan membership.  Both Moontan and Cinnamon have been members for years.
* Intricate understanding of both Elf Clan and the Elf Clan Charter
* Evidenced long-term loyalty to both group and our foundation document
* Explicit honor and trustworthiness
* Existing evidence of maturity, people skills and reliability
* A level head, common sense and leadership skills
* Balanced humility-- necessary to being both leader and servant to our group

There were other members in our group that evidenced most or even all of these traits, but Moontan and Cinnamon are both established, long-term members who have proved their loyalty to Elf Clan and appreciation for our ways many times over. 

Their position is that same of that of Peter Lioncourt.  They are co-Eldars will all powers, responsibilities, duties and privileges.   They can make decisions within the scope of the Elf Clan Charter.  Beyond the scope of the Charter will require decision of all Eldars, as has long been our way.  Both Cinnamon and Moontan are acquainted with all aspects of this group and then some.  You can come to them with questions and expect an authoritative answer (or at least an "I'll check on that and get back with you" if they don't know... just like Peter and me).

We all know anyone can get hit by a meteor any day of the week.  In case of the disabling or demise of either Peter or myself, or if we simply can no longer handle our duties as Eldars for one reason or another, members may consider both Cinnamon and Moontan able to step in immediately to fill the void, with all authority and privileges.  If something drastic should happen to both Peter and I at the same time (unlikely since we're halfway around the world from one another, but still always a possibility)... then Elf Clan will be able to continue on with hardly a ripple under the experienced guidance of both these new Eldars.  Peter and I have full confidence and trust in both of them.

The duty of Eldar, while entailing leadership and management, is primarily that of "Servant to Elf Clan".  Peter, myself, Moontan and Cinnamon-- we are all here to serve this group.  With four Eldars we will now be able to better care for the needs of our growing community.

I trust our members will provide them the same level of respect and cooperation that you have provided our Eldars and Greeters to date.  Our very best wishes to all members of our group.


Hints, Tricks and Newbie Tips Tags: hints tricks newbie tips

Over the past several months we've sent out "Elf Clan Tricks and Tips"... things that can assist in daily enjoyment of Second Life. We're listing the "best of" here. Members can add additional tips in comments.

* TURN ON THE ADVANCED MENU.  Ctrl-Alt-D brings up an essential extra menu in most viewers.

* ZOOM IN ON SIGNS: Every had trouble reading signs? Here is how you zoom in on them:
Windows systems: Cursor on the target, ALT - LEFT CLICK - mousemove. This is often called "alt look". Be sure to hold down both the Alt and leftclick.
Apple systems: On Macs, Option = Alt)

* HOVER TIPS: There is basic information available on all objects. For some reason this is turned off by default. To turn it on, choose VIEW / HOVERTIPS and set tips ON and "Show tips on all objects" to ON.

* MAKING SCULPTIES APPEAR BETTER: Ever noticed sculpties seem to glitch and de-form at a distance? Advanced / Debug Settings / RenderVolumeLODFactor. Set to 4 to stop that problem.

* STOP "FOGGY" AVATARS: Linden Lab created foggy avatars to prevent avatars from being visible before fully rezzed. The problem is that textures load so extremely slowly and even not at all, that avatars remain fog banks indefinitely. ADVANCED / Debug Settings / RenderUnloadedAvatar = TRUE.


* FIXES FOR INVISIBLE MESH & other items in FIRESTORM: These functions may help your viewer experience.   If they don't, change them back:

ADVANCED / DEBUG SETTINGS / FSEnforceStrictObjectCheck  check to FALSE



* LAND INFORMATION: Click the land name at the top center of your screen.

* MAKE TEXTURES APPEAR FASTER: Advanced menu / Debug / type in: 

ImagepipelineUseHTTP and set to TRUE

* DAYLIGHT-BRIGHT PHOTOS: Ever wanted to take a picture but it was dark outside?

Press ctrl-shift-Y for daylight.

* TAKE BETTER PHOTOS:  Store them to your hard drive instead of in-world. It's a checkbox option on the Photo save box. Also, in the ADVANCE menu, set the SAVE HIGH RESOLUTION SNAPSHOTS option.

* TELEPORTING: Ever had someone try to teleport you, but your teleport button was grayed out? EDIT / PREFERENCES / COMMUNICATION / uncheck "Only my friends and Groups can see when I'm online."

* EXPANDING YOUR VIEW: There are several ways to empower your camera and expand your view...

* EDIT / PREFERENCES / GRAPHICS / (click custom) / DRAW DISTANCE. The higher this is set, the further you can see. 256m is the recommended maximum for most systems. If you have a lower-level graphics card, you may need to set it to 128m or even 64m.

* ADVANCED / LIMIT SELECT DISTANCE. Uncheck this.  This may be in a different area on some viewrs.  This was added to the system to prevent you from accidentally selecting things beyond 64m.  But as a downside... it prevents expert builders from selecting things beyond 64m.

* ADVANCED / DISABLE CAMERA CONSTRAINTS. Check this. Why would someone want their camera constrained? 

* SETTING MUSIC ON A PIECE OF LAND: Only a land owner can set the music stream. If you are not the land owner, you will need a "radio" that will allow you to set streams. Note that not all land owners allow tenants to set their own music streams (especially in themed sims).  If you have a radio, you will need to deed it to group.  If your group doesn't allow member deeding, the land owner will have to provide a radio.

That's it for now!




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