Tagged with "patrons"
Elf Clan Patron / Renters Guide
Category: Elf Clan News
Tags: renters patron patrons


The following information is for archival purpose only, as part of Elf Clan's history.



REGION MANAGER:  Snoots Dwagon

Note: the following applies to those renting Elf Clan - owned lands.   Rules may differ for those renting from individual Elf Clan region owners.  In this document, Patron land holders and "renters" shall both be referred to by the term "residents". 


WELCOME to Elf Clan Lands.   This guide will help you in your building according to theme and group policies so that all Patrons and renters exist in the harmony and beauty that is the hallmark of Elf Can.  Please note that these are guidelines.  Some are "rules", but flexible ones.  Please contact region manager SNOOTS DWAGON for consultation if you wish to do something that seems outside these guidelines.


NO RUSH.  First, don't feel rushed or under pressure to get your building done right away.  Take your time.  Enjoy the building process. No one is here to judge your build. The best builds take time and often undergo many changes along the way. 



You need to be a member of the ELF CLAN BUILDERS group to be a resident on Elf Clan lands.  Please contact Snoots Dwagon for membership invitation.  If you've signed up as a Patron, likely invitation has already been extended. 

Elf Clan lands are designed according to our VISITOR GUIDELINES.  All residents should build and conduct themselves by those guidelines.

Group theme is:  Fantasy, Science Fiction and non-contemporary Steampunk.  Mind you, these three themes allow for a broad range of creativity.  The idea is to avoid that which is mundane and contemporary... and employ our imagination in building.

For an example of Steampunk theme:  one should not enter Elf Clan lands and find themselves feeling as if they are in Victorian London.   Steampunk goes beyond basic Victorian concept and into the fantastic.  It's not England... it's Steampunk. One should employ that concept for all it's worth.  Contemporary or real life historical concepts should be completely avoided at ground level.

The same holds true for the field of Science Fiction.  Emphasis should be on awe and imagination as opposed to blocky, sterile buildings.  The theme may be science fiction, but it is still Elf Clan.  Beauty and unique is the focus in building on Elf Clan lands. 

In the same manner, Fantasy should conform to the concept of beauty and imagination for which Elf Clan is known.   Darker concepts-- although fantasy-- would not fit into that theme on rental lands.  This does not apply to full Elf Clan regions... but even they need remain within Elf Clan Charter family-friendly concepts.

Of course exceptions can be made in some instances. If you have an interesting idea or concept and are concerned as to whether it is acceptable theme, please contact Snoots Dwagon for discussion.



While it is realized each parcel will be individual and even have different themes, neighbors should cooperate at parcel edges to try and make their builds compatible.  What has gone before takes precedence.   So if there is an existing path on a neighbor's parcel, either continue that path or present your neighbor with an alternate idea upon which you can both agree.

If a pond exists that covers two parcels, it should not be altered on one parcel without the express permission of the neighboring parcel.

In short, all builds, regardless of theme should be cohesive and harmonious to as much an extent as possible.  That stated, do remember that each plot is individual... and different people have different tastes.  Try to be good neighbors, at all times.



Elf Clan has a history of avoiding flat land, with few exceptions (one of them being the ElvenMyst sandbox.   Flat land is dull and lifeless.  Flat land has no personality.

It is our experience from long years of region design:  if one is urged to build around randomly terraformed lands-- those builds can become quite creative.  You may employ platforms, build into the sides of hills (a hill can be terra-cut to allow an insertion), or if you are using mesh or artificial ground scaping the land can be totally flattened to make way for such an item.

If you need to terraform, there are a few requirements:

1) You must be an experienced terraformer.  Due to safety for surrounding parcels, inexperienced ones should ask us to do the terraforming for you.  We are happy to do so.

2) So that lands are not accidentally terraformed, terraforming is normally turned off.  If you have special terraforming needs, please contact Snoots Dwagon to turn your plot's terraforming on, then when you are done have him turn it off again so your land cannot be damaged by neighbors or griefers.

3) You may if you wish ask to have terraforming on all the time-- but realize this opens your land to hacking.  While such is unlikely, we cannot be responsible for damage done to your land (accidental or otherwise) if you have opted to leave terraforming turned on.  

In short: it's just not a good idea to leave terraforming turned on.  Asking for it to be enabled and then disabled may be inconventient at times-- but it provides safety for your creations.


TREES.  We have three recommendations regarding trees.  We're not being picky on this-- just relaying years of experience in putting together landscapes.  : )

1) If possible, make them phantom so people flying don't get tangled up in them.

2) Please avoid "full bright" or "glowing" trees.   They seem unnatural during daytime and stand out like street lights at night.  Such items disrupt the beauty and continuity of the land... like putting spotlights all over a property. 

3) Avoid "flexi" trees. Large flexis are known to lag regions terribly. 

If you can change full bright / glow / flexis to not so, that is best.  In short... if you can't mod a tree, it's probably best to use a different tree.



You may create  a skybox from 1,000 to 4,000m.  Higher skies are reserved for group needs and activities.  

Skyboxes may have "relaxed theme" (it can be your own home with whatever decorations you desire). Such may be contemporary, and themes other than our standard themes.  However, please recognize limitations.   Relaxed theme does not mean an occult vampyric BDSM dungeon is ever acceptable anywhere on ElfClan lands. ; )

If your theme differs from standard G-ratings, it needs to be totally enclosed in an opaque, attractive "scenic box".  G-rated sky builds can be left open for public visiting if you so desire.  Theme is not required in high-sky... but of course is welcomed and encouraged.

Sky boxes must of course be contained within your parcel boundaries.



If you have any problems or need assistance, please contact Snoots Dwagon.   

Disclaimer:  While we will always do our best to assist and accomodate residents, Elf Clan is not responsible for any issues or problems with land renting / patronage, nor are any guarantees or warranties made in regard to such.  Each land owner understands the sometimes temporary and uncontrollable nature of virtual worlds and assumes all responsibility in residing on group lands.

If it ever becomes necessary to shut down or alter a region, we will do our very best to give residents advanced notice and help them in relocation should they so desire.  It is our wish for you to fully enjoy your residence on Elf Clan lands.

Enjoy your new home with Elf Clan.  And Patrons... thank you for your assistance in promoting Elf Clan lands and activities!




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