Tagged with "invasion"
Da Awful Rat Invasion-- RatBusters to Da Rescue! Tags: rat invasion rat busters ratbusters

Originally posted May 18, 2010


I heard awful news yesterday: da Thirsty Dragon Tavern was invadeds by RATSES!

Accordings to Tavern Keep BRYSTER SHAN, dese rats all ober da place. Bryster thinks it was Dwagons did it (well, one in particular) but how we get rats to come to tavern? We just dwagons an always innocents.

However, we CAN get rats to go away. So for modest price, we offered services of RATBUSTERS!

Bryster not too happy with whole idea. He thinks dwagons put rats dere. So we negotiated a bit.


Bryster declared a court of judgement, and we called in a Jury to decide if da dwagons was guilty of bringing in rats, or if we innocent and dere to cleans it up. Da Jury voteds INNOCENT, UNANIMOUS of course, cos dwagons is always innocent.


Despite verdict, Judge Bryster become executioner and pulls out sword. He chased Snoots all over da place but he neber catches hims, because dwagons is fast an flips ober counters.


In da end, rotten ol Barkeep tricks poor dwagon. Here is full historical record, exactly as happen. You be da judge.

[18:09] Entering ElvenMyst
[18:09] Curious Hazelnut: Hi mister bryster, sir.
[18:09] Bryster Shan: Greetings! Hail and Merry Met!
[18:09] Taralyn Melodie: merry meet bryster
[18:09] Curious Hazelnut: May I have a cookie? One with no rat bits?

(Snoots enters, dressed to the nines in a full "Ghostbusters" getup)

[18:09] Snoots Dwagon: ¸.•*?RATBUSTERS ? `*•.¸
[18:09] Snoots Dwagon: ? *•.¸WhoYaGonnaCall?¸.•*?
[18:10] Snoots Dwagon: ¸.•*?RATBUSTERS ? `*•.¸
[18:10] Snoots Dwagon: ? I aint afraid of no rats!?
[18:10] Curious Hazelnut: HI Snoots.
[18:10] Snoots Dwagon: We camed, we seed, we kicked its hiney!
[18:10] Curious Hazelnut: you missed a rat.
[18:11] Snoots Dwagon: Okies, lemme figures up cost of dis job
[18:11] Snoots Dwagon counts rats
[18:11] Bryster Shan: Not paying.
[18:11] Snoots Dwagon: One
[18:11] Snoots Dwagon: two
[18:11] Snoots Dwagon: elebendy
[18:11] Taralyn Melodie: *smiles*
[18:11] Bryster Shan: Who would like a drink?
[18:12] Snoots Dwagon: I WOULDS!
[18:12] Curious Hazelnut: and you left a rat on the bar, too.
[18:12] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster, you is right. I is detecting rats.
[18:12] Snoots Dwagon: Wif my rat thingamaboby
[18:12] Snoots Dwagon: Dere definitely rats around
[18:13] Curious Hazelnut: we need to call the health department
[18:13] Curious Hazelnut: condemn the bar?
[18:13] Shawn Daysleeper: ya these rats have been here for days
[18:13] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster hire me to get rid of rats
[18:13] Bryster Shan: Did not!
[18:13] Snoots Dwagon: You did! You said "Come take care of dese rats!" Right in main chat!
[18:13] Bryster Shan groans
[18:14] Bryster Shan: Snoots puts rats on bar so that he can charge me for cleaning dem up.
[18:14] Snoots Dwagon looks through records....
[18:14] Snoots Dwagon hands bryster order sheet:
[18:07] Group Chat: Bryster Shan: Good! You can clean up the dead rats.
[18:14] Snoots Dwagon: Yup, dat is order form right dere.
[18:14] Taralyn Melodie: hehehe
[18:14] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster hire me to cleans up rats
[18:15] Bryster Shan: You missed the bit where I said you put them there so you can clean em up.
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Ohh dead mousie right dere
[18:15] Curious Hazelnut: are you sure he didn't hire *me* to clean up the rats?
[18:15] Bryster Shan: This is a scam.
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Dead mousies costs extra
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Prolly whole cookie
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Okies I losted counts
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: I start counting again
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: One...
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Two....
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Elebendy...
[18:15] Bryster Shan: How about an angry kitty?
[18:15] Shawn Daysleeper: why didn't clarence take care of this?
[18:15] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah!
[18:16] Snoots Dwagon: BAD CAT!
[18:16] Bryster Shan: Clarence doesn't get up on the bartops.
[18:16] Snoots Dwagon: How he gonna get rats if he stay off bartops?
[18:16] Snoots Dwagon: Okies Bryster, I counts three live rats anna dead mouse.
[18:16] Snoots Dwagon: So dat gonna costs 4 cookies an 2 rums.
[18:16] Clarence: I saw that Dwagon thing put dead rats and mice everywhere.
[18:16] Bryster Shan: Busted!
[18:17] Bryster Shan: clarence saw the whole thing.
[18:17] Taralyn Melodie: hehehehe
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: Dat pretty fair price.
[18:17] Taralyn Melodie: i think your busted Snoots
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: Dese rat guns not grows on treees you knows
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: I always gets blamed for rateses.
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: But what is I? Pied piper?
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: Rats shows up, I gets 'em
[18:17] Snoots Dwagon: Dat wot I do. We da ratbusters
[18:18] Snoots Dwagon: ¸.•*?RATBUSTERS ? `*•.¸
[18:18] Snoots Dwagon: ? *•.¸WhoYaGonnaCall?¸.•*?
[18:18] Snoots Dwagon: ¸.•*?RATBUSTERS ? `*•.¸
[18:18] Snoots Dwagon: ? I aint afraid of no rats!?
[18:19] Bryster Shan: Right! Snoots? You claim to have been hired to clearup rats and mouses?
[18:19] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah, you hireds me.
[18:19] Bryster Shan puts on Judges hat.
[18:19] Snoots Dwagon: I not been paid yet though
[18:19] Taralyn Melodie: there's still a rat over here Snoots!
[18:20] Snoots Dwagon: Okies Bryster, you gots rat ober here
[18:20] Koni Lanzius: oops
[18:20] Snoots Dwagon: And you gots rat here on fruits
[18:20] Snoots Dwagon: And I detects rat by tip jar
[18:20] Snoots Dwagon: And dere ded mousie here
[18:20] Snoots Dwagon: So I give you a deal.
[18:21] Snoots Dwagon: You pays for 3 rats and I take out da mousie for free.
[18:21] Taralyn Melodie: *giggles*
[18:21] Snoots Dwagon: Dat be 4 cookies an 2 rums
[18:21] Bryster Shan: Snoots Dwagon! You are hereby to be tried for the henious crime of spreading dead creatures around the Tavern.
[18:21] Feydra Zenoria: lo ... giggles
[18:21] Snoots Dwagon: You is under arrest!
[18:21] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:21] Snoots Dwagon: I not spread no ded critters in tabern! Dey prolly died from eating sammiches!
[18:21] Snoots Dwagon: Or maybe drinkings wiskeys
[18:22] Bryster Shan: If they did they were your sammiches.,
[18:22] Snoots Dwagon: Did you feed dat mousie Ork Snot Ales?
[18:22] Snoots Dwagon: I always gets blamed for taburn stuffs
[18:22] Bryster Shan: Right! I need a jury! We is gonna Try Snoots Dwagon!
[18:22] Snoots Dwagon: Dey not MY rats
[18:22] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:22] Snoots Dwagon: I not said "Rats come sit in taburn"
[18:22] Taralyn Melodie: clarence said you did
[18:22] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:22] Bryster Shan: The accused will remain silent!
[18:23] Curious Hazelnut: and the rat by the cookies thinks it's Snoots' rat. I asked him.
[18:23] Koni Lanzius: go, Good Elf!
[18:23] Snoots Dwagon: Well, if you not wants me to remove rats, of course dat you choice....
[18:23] Bryster Shan: SILENCE!
[18:23] Snoots Dwagon: I'll just put this back where I found it....
[18:23] Bryster Shan: Do you have a Lawyer?
[18:23] Snoots Dwagon: Oh there goes another one. Look at dat critter.. he a big one! Hooo boy! Dat some critter!
[18:23] Bryster Shan: Who wants to defend the Dwagon!
[18:24] Feydra Zenoria: ohhhh defending a dwagon is fun
[18:24] Curious Hazelnut: don't look at me.
[18:24] Snoots Dwagon: But, if you not wanna hire me, dat okies. It you choice. I'll just puts dis back where I finded it.
[18:24] Curious Hazelnut: Snoots is funny but he's gross.
[18:24] Snoots Dwagon: Wot?
[18:24] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:24] Snoots Dwagon: What I do gross?
[18:24] Feydra Zenoria: he looks sooooooooo inocent giggles
[18:24] Bryster Shan: Seems to me the the Dwagon is not understand the seriousness of the charges against him!
[18:24] Feydra Zenoria: innocent but heeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[18:24] Snoots Dwagon: I here to REMOVES ratses. I not can helps it if dey attracted to Brysters Taburn!
[18:25] Feydra Zenoria: who invited the rats in?
[18:25] Bryster Shan: Who wants to be on the Jury?
[18:25] Taralyn Melodie: *giggles*
[18:25] Taralyn Melodie: meme
[18:25] Feydra Zenoria: get some good dwagons here giggles
[18:25] Snoots Dwagon: SILENCE IN COURT.....er....tAVERN!
[18:25] Feydra Zenoria: jury of dwagons would be fine
[18:25] Koni Lanzius: :D
[18:26] Snoots Dwagon: Nobody invited rats in. Dey just shows up!
[18:26] Feydra Zenoria: who is the judge?
[18:26] Bryster Shan: i'M THE jUDGE!
[18:26] Snoots Dwagon: Dey rats!
[18:26] Feydra Zenoria: seeeeeeee
[18:26] Feydra Zenoria: showed up they did
[18:26] Feydra Zenoria: and who put food out for the Rats I ask?
[18:26] Snoots Dwagon: Well I gonna sit down. All dis Ratbustin is hard work.
[18:26] Bryster Shan: Koni Lanzius? Will you stand defense for the accused?
[18:27] Koni Lanzius: i will!
[18:27] loopy String: giggle
[18:27] Bryster Shan: THank you!
[18:27] Koni Lanzius: we pleald insanity your honor!
[18:27] Feydra Zenoria: Feydra *Laughs Out Loud*
[18:27] Snoots Dwagon: WOT????!!!!
[18:27] Curious Hazelnut: Oh, I believe that.
[18:27] Snoots Dwagon: I needs a new atturniquet!
[18:27] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:27] Bryster Shan: The case against Snoots Dwagon is the he with willfullness and premeditation did leave dead animals over the Tavern. How do you plead?
[18:27] Curious Hazelnut: Snoots is definitely a few donuts short of a dozen.
[18:28] Snoots Dwagon: NOTS GUILTY!
[18:28] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:28] Snoots Dwagon: I INNOCENTS!
[18:28] Bryster Shan: Oh he understood that alright!
[18:28] Snoots Dwagon: Can I haz my four cookies now?
[18:28] Curious Hazelnut: Um, Mister Bryster .... can I ask a question?
[18:28] Bryster Shan: Koni? Do you wish to provide evidence of the Dwagon's innocence?
[18:29] Koni Lanzius: huh... errr....
[18:29] Curious Hazelnut: psst, Koni ....
[18:29] Curious Hazelnut: This rat over here doesn't look all that dead.
[18:29] Curious Hazelnut: Just sorta slow.
[18:29] Koni Lanzius: the defendent is innocent by way of..
[18:29] Snoots Dwagon: Hey waits! Judge can't be Plaintiff too!
[18:29] Curious Hazelnut: and the one on the floor is downright energetic.
[18:29] Koni Lanzius: oh we dont have a crime!
[18:29] Koni Lanzius: if the rat lives
[18:29] Koni Lanzius: the charges wont stick!
[18:29] Feydra Zenoria: heeee details details
[18:29] Bryster Shan: My Tavern. My rules!
[18:29] Snoots Dwagon: I innocent by way of being a DWAGON! Dwagons is always innocent.
[18:30] Feydra Zenoria: nay they LOOK innocent is all
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon: May I makes a point in my case?
[18:30] Curious Hazelnut: only the mouse looks dead.
[18:30] Bryster Shan: We talking about dead critters on bartops!
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah! Curious right! Dat a good point!
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon: Is only ONE ded critter, an itta mouse.
[18:30] Taralyn Melodie: hmm the only dead one is the mouse i think
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon: dead mouses happen
[18:30] Koni Lanzius: ohh but I think he's pining for the fwords, yer honor
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon: Coulda been lefted by Ozzy
[18:30] Bryster Shan: Silence!
[18:30] Snoots Dwagon eeps
[18:30] Koni Lanzius: not dead, just resting
[18:31] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah Koni right
[18:31] Snoots Dwagon: It pining for da Fjords
[18:31] Bryster Shan: Snoots Dwagon? Are you a Dwagon?
[18:31] Snoots Dwagon: I is a Dwagon
[18:31] Bryster Shan: Ah-hah! So you confess????
[18:31] Snoots Dwagon: Hey wait, I not been sweared in!
[18:31] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster, you wanna do some swearin?
[18:31] Taralyn Melodie: wait? he's being accused of being a dwagon?
[18:31] Shawn Daysleeper: it's bad for business
[18:31] Bryster Shan: No swearing in da bar.
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Hey wait a seconds. I has one thing to say about dese ratses.
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: "They're not dead yet!"
[18:32] Koni Lanzius: no bleddin crime er!
[18:32] Curious Hazelnut: He's acused of leaving dead rats on the bar.
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Brings out you ded.
[18:32] Koni Lanzius: dey pinin!
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Brings out you ded.
[18:32] Bryster Shan: Snoots Dwagon has confessed to being a Dwagon and is therefore guilty as charged!!!!
[18:32] Taralyn Melodie: well, he is clearly innocent of leaving DEAD rats in the bar
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Yups, Bryster failin to serve drinkses
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Being a Dwagon make me automatic innocent.
[18:32] Snoots Dwagon: Clarence saw Snoots leave the dead critters.
[18:33] Taralyn Melodie: but the rats not dEAD!
[18:33] Feydra Zenoria: you sure mouse not taking a nap
[18:33] Snoots Dwagon: Let me ask Clarence. Clarence, stay quiet if I not leaved ratses.
(long wait...)
[18:33] Koni Lanzius: 'es meditating
[18:33] Snoots Dwagon waits....
[18:33] Snoots Dwagon: Okies see?
[18:33] Feydra Zenoria: ahhh
[18:33] Snoots Dwagon: Clarents says I not leaved ratses.
[18:33] Clarence: You busted Snoots.
[18:33] Snoots Dwagon: Hey!
[18:33] Shawn Daysleeper: lol
[18:34] Bryster Shan: Guilty!
[18:34] Snoots Dwagon: Cat's can't talks! I being frameded!
[18:34] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:34] Koni Lanzius: a hangin' judge!
[18:34] Feydra Zenoria: forgot the jury
[18:34] Taralyn Melodie: the jury hands down the verdict
[18:34] Taralyn Melodie: and i say innocent!
[18:34] Feydra Zenoria: aye I say innocent
[18:34] Bryster Shan: I hereby sentance you to being dunked in da Pond!

[18:34] Snoots Dwagon: OKIES!

[18:34] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD

[18:34] Koni Lanzius: a dunkin!!!!
[18:34] Koni Lanzius: he needs a bath!
[18:35] Snoots Dwagon: Koni you GREAT lawyer. I gonna get dunked in pond!
[18:35] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:35] Bryster Shan: THe evidence before the court is incotrovertable!
[18:35] Bryster Shan: There's no need for the jury to retire.
[18:35] Koni Lanzius: dont for get to wash da pits
[18:35] Snoots Dwagon: Somehow dis court case not seem fair for dwagons.
[18:35] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:35] Snoots Dwagon: I wanna hears from da dragons ober dere.
[18:36] Snoots Dwagon: Does dragons says I innocent? /me makes big blinky eyes
[18:36] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:36] Snoots Dwagon: Okies I calls on da one sensible person in da room to make da decision of whether I guilty or not
[18:37] Snoots Dwagon: DA RAT! Dat rat be total unbiased.
[18:37] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:37] Snoots Dwagon: I bet he frame me even!
[18:37] Shawn Daysleeper: it's the rats fault
[18:37] Snoots Dwagon: I bet these rats all hims friends!
[18:37] Snoots Dwagon: Is court ober? I getting hungry for my 4 cookies
[18:37] Snoots Dwagon: Koni, I only chargings him 4 cookies an 2 rums
[18:37] Bryster Shan: You is going in da pond!
[18:38] Curious Hazelnut: Free drinks for the guilty!
[18:38] Koni Lanzius: I'll bring your bubble bath stuff and ducky
[18:38] Snoots Dwagon: I would likes to points out dat I comed all dressed and ready for rat removal.
[18:38] Snoots Dwagon: And da judge said NOPES! I NOT HIRING YOU!
[18:38] Feydra Zenoria: ahhhh?
[18:38] Snoots Dwagon: So I trieds to removes rats, an hims says nopes.
[18:38] Snoots Dwagon: Does I get to be pond dunked now? :D
[18:39] Feydra Zenoria: ohhh yeh give him a bath
[18:39] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:39] Snoots Dwagon: if Bryster hires me, it only take me couple minutes to gets rid of ratses. And I cheap
[18:40] Curious Hazelnut: does anyone else see the problem with dunking Snoots in the pond?
[18:40] Snoots Dwagon: I not see any prollem with it! :D
[18:40] Feydra Zenoria: he needs it .. phew!
[18:40] Snoots Dwagon: Hey I a clean dwagon!
[18:41] Curious Hazelnut: ya, if you put Snoots in the pond the water's gonna be so dirty nobody else will be able to swim for a week until the scum goes away.
[18:41] Taralyn Melodie: *grins*
[18:41] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:41] Snoots Dwagon: Hey I not a dirty dwagon!
[18:41] Feydra Zenoria: hmmmm that is problem ok
[18:41] Snoots Dwagon: I swims regular!
[18:41] Feydra Zenoria: take him throw out into ocean
[18:41] Snoots Dwagon: An I eats deodorants!
[18:41] Curious Hazelnut: once a year is not alla time.
[18:41] Koni Lanzius: hehe
[18:42] Curious Hazelnut: and swimming in the bog of eternal stench doesn't 'zactly make you clean.
[18:42] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:42] Taralyn Melodie: *giggles*
[18:42] Snoots Dwagon: I not has to sits here be insulted. I can get insulted elsewhere!
[18:42] Shawn Daysleeper: ??HaHaHa??
[18:43] Curious Hazelnut: yep, you could Snoots.
[18:43] Curious Hazelnut: But it's more fun to insult you here.
[18:43] Snoots Dwagon: I not see no ded critters at all.
[18:43] Curious Hazelnut: what about the rat behind the cookie jar, Snoots?
[18:43] Snoots Dwagon chews slowly, hoping nobody sees.
[18:44] Snoots Dwagon: I not see no rat
[18:44] Curious Hazelnut: move the cookie jar, you'll see a rat.
[18:47] Snoots Dwagon: I gots joke
[18:47] Curious Hazelnut gets ready to cover her ears.
[18:47] Snoots Dwagon: Two hunters crossing bridge.
[18:47] Snoots Dwagon: It about 20 ft down to water
[18:47] Snoots Dwagon: And dey figure good time to use bafroom.
[18:47] Snoots Dwagon: So dey standing dere tinkling.
[18:48] Snoots Dwagon: Off side of bridge into river.
[18:48] Snoots Dwagon: One hunter gets smirky smile and says, "Boy, water sure is cold today!"
[18:48] Snoots Dwagon: And other hunter smiles and says, "Yeah, and it's deep too"
[18:48] Taralyn Melodie: oh dear
[18:48] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:48] Taralyn Melodie: *giggles*
[18:49] Snoots Dwagon: What is diffSnootsce between Rhinocerous and a egg?
[18:49] Taralyn Melodie: ummm?
[18:49] Curious Hazelnut: horns?
[18:49] Koni Lanzius: wot?
[18:49] Snoots Dwagon: Boy I not gonna send you to store for eggs Koni. You prolly bring back a rhino.
[18:49] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:49] Bryster Shan: Ack!
[18:50] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster prolly gathering fakes evidence against poor innocent dwagon.
[18:50] Snoots Dwagon: Bryster, wannna hires me to get rid of rats?
[18:50] Snoots Dwagon: I only charges 4 cookies an 2 rums!
[18:50] Bryster Shan: Snoots? Dey your rats!
[18:50] Snoots Dwagon: Dey not my rats!
[18:50] Snoots Dwagon: Proves dey my rats!
[18:51] Bryster Shan: Clarence? Who left the rats?
[18:51] Snoots Dwagon: Clarence is a cat. Dey lies alla time.
[18:51] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:51] Taralyn Melodie: *nods*
[18:52] Snoots Dwagon: Him knows Snoots innocent dwagon dat would neber, eber leaves rats on counter.
[18:52] Snoots Dwagon: But I can gets rid of dems.
[18:52] Snoots Dwagon: It only cost 4 cookies an 2 rums. Comes on, dat pretty cheap!
[18:53] Taralyn Melodie: *nods* its not a bad rate i guess
[18:53] Snoots Dwagon: I already getted rid of ded mouse, for free! (*belch*)
[18:53] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:53] Taralyn Melodie: where the mouse go?
[18:53] Taralyn Melodie: ohhhhhh
[18:53] Taralyn Melodie: eeewwwwww
[18:53] Koni Lanzius: the evidence is missing!
[18:54] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah!
[18:54] Snoots Dwagon: No ded animals in here!
[18:54] Clarence: Snoots put the rats there. Snoots put the rats there.
[18:54] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:54] Snoots Dwagon: LIke I said, cats lie alla time.
[18:54] Koni Lanzius: cat has a conflict of interest
[18:54] Snoots Dwagon: Yeah!
[18:54] Snoots Dwagon: He knows he not lies, NO TUNA FOR YOU!
[18:54] Bryster Shan: Any last words Dwagon?
[18:55] Taralyn Melodie: that dwagon is innocent
[18:55] Snoots Dwagon: I demands jury of my peers.
(Clarence attacks Snoots at this point)
[18:55] Snoots Dwagon: Nice kitty
[18:55] Snoots Dwagon: pet pet pet
[18:55] Taralyn Melodie: the jury said
[18:55] Curious Hazelnut: is Clarence attacking Snoots?
[18:55] Bryster Shan: Yes.
[18:55] Bryster Shan: Sentence is passed.
[18:55] Snoots Dwagon: Nice kitty
[18:55] Taralyn Melodie: are you alright
[18:56] Curious Hazelnut: Throw him in the Bog of Eternal Stench!
[18:56] Snoots Dwagon: Dis cat got wierd purr
[18:56] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:56] Bryster Shan: He's gonna folow you home for sure!
[18:56] Snoots Dwagon: I bet it Clarence brought in rats so he'd has supper!
[18:56] Taralyn Melodie: *nods
[18:56] Snoots Dwagon: Cos I bet Bryster forgetted to feeds him so he brot in rats
[18:57] Snoots Dwagon: But I will gets rid of ems for cheap!
[18:57] Snoots Dwagon: Only 4 cookies an... okay.. ONE rums
[18:57] Snoots Dwagon: Yups I checks meter. Rats still dere
[18:57] Snoots Dwagon: But I can kills 'em right out
[18:57] Snoots Dwagon: I broght my ratgun
[18:58] Snoots Dwagon: Okies Bryster, wot final judgment?
[18:59] Curious Hazelnut: Bog of Eternal Stench!
[18:59] Bryster Shan: You is guilty as charged.
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: Okies. Pond?
[18:59] Curious Hazelnut: Bog of Eternal Stench!
[18:59] Curious Hazelnut: Bog of Eternal Stench!
[18:59] Curious Hazelnut: Bog of Eternal Stench!
[18:59] Bryster Shan: You try to scam me.
[18:59] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: Me???
[18:59] Bryster Shan: Yups!
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: Wot make you think I bringed ratses in here?
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: Where is pruf?
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: I bringed rat fighting stuffs.
[18:59] Bryster Shan: The fact that they have your name on dem.
[18:59] Snoots Dwagon: Dey does nots!
[18:59] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:00] Curious Hazelnut: they got collars?
[19:00] Snoots Dwagon: I not see collars
[19:00] Gandalf Farstrider: prima facie evidence that one is
[19:00] Snoots Dwagon: I not see branded in furs
[19:00] Snoots Dwagon: I not see rat tags
[19:00] Bryster Shan: Rat #6 Creator Fillo Farber - Owner Snoots Dwagon
[19:00] Snoots Dwagon: Wot you talking about? I think you beens drinkings too much rums.
[19:00] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:01] Snoots Dwagon looks close at rat
[19:02] Snoots Dwagon: I not sees no rat tags
[19:02] Snoots Dwagon: Not a collar
[19:02] Snoots Dwagon: Okay Bryster, I makes you deal. I gets rid of rats for 2 COOKIES
[19:03] Snoots Dwagon: You can't say no to 2 cookie rat deal!

(Bryster Draws a sword and starts chasing Snoots)

[19:03] Snoots Dwagon: !!! run away run away

(Snoots starts jumping over bartops. Somehow no matter where Bryster chases... Snoots is no longer there.)

[19:03] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:03] Koni Lanzius: well i guess that concludes the trial
[19:04] Snoots Dwagon: KANGAROO COURT!
[19:04] Bryster Shan hums tune for Mission Impossible
[19:04] Snoots Dwagon eeps

(As Snoots runs from Bryster and flips over counters...)

[19:05] Snoots Dwagon: I getting hired to get rats out?
[19:05] Snoots Dwagon: Only 2 cookies!
[19:05] Snoots Dwagon: Dat pretty good deal
[19:05] Bryster Shan: Not hired. You is scammer!
[19:06] Snoots Dwagon: *mwwahaas* :)~~~~
[19:07] Gandalf Farstrider: good night all.....hope you get your rat problem fixed bryster
[19:07] Bryster Shan: I have to fix an Snoots problem first.
[19:07] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD

(Snoots hides underneath Koni's skirt where Bryster can't get to him)

[19:07] Bryster Shan: Cowedly Dwagon hides in ladiesskirts.
[19:08] Snoots Dwagon polishes boots
[19:08] Koni Lanzius: awww
[19:09] Snoots Dwagon: RATBUSTERS to da rescue!
[19:09] Snoots Dwagon: ONE cookie?
[19:09] Bryster Shan: No wonder eberbody goes home. Too many rats.
[19:09] Bryster Shan: And one scam merchant
[19:10] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD
[19:10] Snoots Dwagon: Okies I kills rats for 1 cookie
[19:10] Snoots Dwagon: anna rum
[19:10] Bryster Shan: Not paying. Getting health and safety bigwig to come and bust you.
[19:10] Snoots Dwagon: Comes on! One cookie! One lousy cookie!
[19:11] Bryster Shan: You got no license for dat machine either.
[19:11] Snoots Dwagon: It only a portable backpack nuclear accelerator
[19:11] Snoots Dwagon: Great for zappings rats
[19:11] Snoots Dwagon: I hired?
[19:11] Bryster Shan: You couldn't hit a barn door with that thing.
[19:11] Snoots Dwagon: I could! I good shot!
[19:12] Bryster Shan: couldn't
[19:12] Snoots Dwagon: CAN!
[19:12] Bryster Shan: CAN'T!
[19:12] Snoots Dwagon: I show you!
[19:12] Koni Lanzius: hehe

(Snoots sets off several volleys which vaporize the rats entirely... not hide nor hair left)

[19:12] Snoots Dwagon: Dere, see, got all 3 rats!
[19:12] Bryster Shan: Oh so I was wrong.
[19:12] Snoots Dwagon: Dey vapor... oh wait.. .. HEY!
[19:12] Bryster Shan: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[19:12] Snoots Dwagon: Uh....
[19:13] Snoots Dwagon: Can I still habs a cookie?
[19:13] Koni Lanzius: Ahahaha! XD



Comment by Oona Sharple on May 18, 2010 at 3:25pm
    Hahaha ! Umm..Oona thinks ya innocents Snoots :) heee So,wut pond dey talks about? Da one wif da really scary fishie in it?

    Oona so scared of dat fishie ! Once Oona hads really bad lag day and fell into pond and sees dat fishie ! Oona totally freakeds out and toodles in dat pond fer like ferever ! Couldn't get out ! And Oona very scared,in RL even ! Oona hads to port out of pond to get out....

    Dat one nasty fishie..Hopes ya not has to be dunked in dat pond..

Comment by Wayfinder Wishbringer on May 18, 2010 at 4:17pm

    I wondered why that pond looked a little more yellow than normal one day. Now I know..

Comment by Oona Sharple on May 18, 2010 at 4:21pm

    Wut ya means yellow? Oona not pee pees in it,if dat wut ya thinks...But Oona almost pee pees in da pants in RL tho..Dat fishie really scary,Wayfinder..

    Oona no likee dat fishie..Oona stays far away from dat pond..

Comment by Zauber Paracelsus on May 19, 2010 at 9:12am

    Never a dull moment at the tavern, eh?

Comment by Butterpaw Bravin on May 20, 2010 at 3:47pm

    awww see whats I misses on da day I can't come? sigh...
    Dat a very exciting advenchure, but Bryster WRONG! Dwagons is ALWAYS innocent!

Comment by Hecatya Idimmu on May 22, 2010 at 3:25pm

    From what i see from outside dwagon Snoots is indeed always inocent, but what i like the most at him is that he has no fear, he is very brave.
    Thank you Snoots for sharing DA AWFUL RAT INVASION.




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